Anon 2 is nothing more than a little peen 🔥 who is always writing trash about the game, I believe the guy is not even a player, he just comes here to annoy people around and label the developers as 'komoney' but he fails miserably is his attempt to scare people away. That's why he's so frustrated.
What were the conditions under you won this card? I mean, rewards multiplier, extra items used, deck used? I can't get any prismatics since the last event of Zane. I got all the rewards already, but no one prismatic.
Btw it's my first goyo chaser and it turned out to be Prismatic, it's a matter of luck!
For example I pulled only one prismatic card out of 1467 packs from the shop, one year of playing with only 1 prismatic card from the shop ×D
I'm using elements unit skill with blue eyes for farming