I made to to legend using a geargia deck but that was how far it got with me. I swear just about every time I had ties in my starting hand, my opponent just so happens to have their only TTH on them -_-
Balance guarntee 1 monster 1 spell 1 trap. If ties you good if superrush hope for the next draw. The traps are half defensive half the core sinergy I would put off desertand anubis for 2 needle ceeling. Legend with this is quite easy. Must be smart played. Kog ask hard work. Not a 🔥 deck.
What do you even mean with a brain dead ''deck'' , there is no such thing plus it's only a game so anybody plays what the heck they want to and don't even mention the word kog cuz actually you make any sense at all .
For the new player , don't listen to those kind of people and never forget that if u really want to get kog u can reach it with any deck , i recommend u to check the x saber deck!
Dude that's what im trying to say. please read it again. i've played geargia for quite a while was awesome almost achieved Kog. and sorry but i do belive there are brain dead decks. silvan players didnt know what they're doing still got kog.
Today's meta is queite diferent i know. i actually love current meta.
Yeah new players, play whatever you want really. smart play will make you kog any meta.