
WCS 2018 Support Campaign! [May 10 - Jun 30, 2018]

Help me pls?
Help me pls, this is the card pool where I'll be deciding to spend my dream ticket on: angmarl monarch (1st) evil dragon ananta (1st) gozuki (3rd) saffira (3rd) senju/sonic bird (3rd) sphere kuriboh (3rd) treeborn frog (1st) soul exchange (3rd) cosmic cyclone (2nd) into the void (3rd) divine wrath (2nd) tools of the bandit (2nd) Thanks!
It would be helpfull to know wich decks you're currently running in ranks. Primary choices right now are Cosmic Cyclone and Divine Wrath.
<< Anonymous(Oldtimer)
Help me pls?
Pls Don't leave yet! I'll answer your request :)

- 1st Angmarl/3rd Soul Exchange: I had a very old Gravekeeper deck. I was thinking, I should probably wait for Necrovalley in the future to make this deck viable.

- 3rd Gozuki: I have REBD/REZD/RESD decks

- 3rd Saffira/Senju/Sonic: I have CAffira a long time ago, never used it in rank though, maybe because 2 Saffira/Senju were inconsistent.
<< Anonymous(Oldtimer)
Help me pls? Thanks!
- 1st Frog: Can be useful in the future? Worth it one copy?

- 2nd Cosmic Cyclone: I have incomplete Masked Hero (not the fusion, just the beatdown version), 2 Anki and 2 Mask only. Not sure if adding 2nd Cyclone will help it.

- 2nd Divine Wrath/Tools of Bandit: Will probably put 2nd DW in my SSA(whale) deck together with 3x chalice to counter sylvan. 2nd Tools of Bandit to counter U.Providences?
<< Anonymous(Oldtimer)
It's still me
I'll just summarize the decks I'm currently and planning to use for dream ticket:

- Gravekeeper (no Angmarl yet)
- Masked Hero (missing one Anki and Mask)
- SSA (complete deck)
- Amazoness (no Queen yet)

Thanks for helping! I don't want to regret my choice in the future :(
<< Anonymous(Help me pls?)
I would suggest 2 Angmarls for a Gravekeeper deck. 3 Soul Exchanges for it are obviously good. However, the Arrivalrival versions runs a lot better, imo.
3 Gozuki is good, I don't see alot of Red Eyes players anymore in ranked. Only slash players. Don't know if it's still viable, haven't played it.
2 Saffira is good, if you wanna run it, go for that 3d Senju. Based on those, I'd go for Senju.
<< Anonymous(Help me pls? Thanks!)
I wouldn't go for a Frog. Cosmic cyclone is good in any deck, not just Masked. It lets you get in for those OTKs. Divine is neat for sylvans, so is chalice, so if you have that one, I wouldn't pick it. Seven tools can be replaced by Cosmic Cyclone.

To summarize.

Senju or Cosmic so far.
<< Anonymous(Oldtimer)
It's still me
Are there any ritual archetypes that can probably change meta in the (near) future, or rituals peaked already at CA and Safirra? I didn't play TCG that much so I wouldn't know.

Didn't know about that Arrivalrivals, because I have no plan to touch Sylvans or Rampage of forest box haha.

So 3x Chalice + 2x Divine Wrath/Tools is a bit too much for counter-meta purposes?
<< Anonymous(Oldtimer)
It's still me
I guess it's a choice between 3rd senju and 2nd cyclone then! Well, I think my decision will be finalized if no more OP rituals will be introduced in the near future! If that's the case, I don't have to play long with a ritual meta, which gives me a choice to pick Cyclone. :) Thank you very much for replying and helping me finalize things. :)
<< Anonymous(It's still me)
<< Anonymous
Is it miles better than CA? How was it's success in TCG? Do you think it will adapt comfortably at Duel Links speed format, or it will become 🔥ous?
<< Anonymous
I just checked nekroz.. the banishing effects of high-end nekroz might be too powerful for this game format. I'm not sure if it's worth waiting for them. :(
<< Anonymous
Nekroz probably will be on Duel Links 2 years from now.


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You can’t activate it because you have already lost the duel at this point V
966-641-197 p-p-please go easy on m-me bcause I can't play l-like a man.
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