
D.D. Tower: Wind and Earth Dimension Event

DD earth & wind
hi all, can help me for best deck counter trap or share deck thank you
1. Use chivalry
2. Chain your counter trap to your own cards
3. Malfunction - temporary stop a trap from activating, so you can chain malfunction to your own trap, then activate your trap again >> activated 2 counter traps
4. Use duel standby or endless trap hell
<< Anonymous
5. Good luck, and be patient. You need LOTS of it
<< Anonymous
dd earth & wind
thank u
finally mission complete
<< Anonymous
dd earth & wind
my deck for counter trap
<< Anonymous(dd earth & wind)
Congrats glad I helped
<< Anonymous(dd earth & wind)
Thanks you so much


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That is @@@ed up even for this site’s standards V
Welcome back, Mr. president. May you cause even more chaos than last time.
why you don't let the card obtinable
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