
Score the Melodious Diva | Deck and Rulings

I think this card needs to be limited in at least some fashion. A hand-trap that allows you to overcome any monster in battle within a deck that's hyper consistent is too powerful in the current state of DL.
Yeah limit it to 1
People still cr ying over battle phase only effects
<< Anonymous
Oh I'm sorry, I forgot that nothing worthwhile possibly happens during the battle phase. Yep, the battle phase only exists for you to swing in with your monsters and your opponent just has to take it. Wasn't aware that DL added an omni-negate to your opponents board during the battle phase
<< Anonymous
Not KoG
Infinity is restricted to the battle phase. Using 5 janks your infinity can start in the opponent's battle phase.
It isn´t really

It´s like with lunalight all over again if you didn´t draw disruption and whatever your turn 1 is can't disrupt your opponent either then why to summon your monster in atk? it's a sitting duck anyways whether it's in atk or def mode, you are only exposing yourself unnecessarily
<< Anonymous
I think that there's a huge difference between cards on the field and in the GY, that I can interact with, and cards in my opponents hand, that unless I'm running extremely specific cards, I can't interact with at all.

Not to mention that You have a chance to react to Lunalights. With this card, since it happens right before the damage step, you don't have a chance to respond with any card.
<< Anonymous(somesmuck)
You can react to score by preventing it from even be live in the duel disrupt the monster before they declare attack and score becomes a vanilla in hand. Dunno your cards but the game is effect removal, getting rid of things only by battle is outdated, only melodious does that and look what beast of a card they need to do so. Battle phase only backrow is outdated too


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Welcome back, Mr. president. May you cause even more chaos than last time.
why you don't let the card obtinable
There are alot of cards that are still not in duel links that should be. And there should be a no...
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