
Labyrinth Builder (Skill)

It's kind of a cute skill, but it doesn't seem all that strong to be honest. Maybe there's a stallish deck that draws enough to use it properly though.
Well, the labyrinth wall does have 3000 defense, so it makes for a good defense card
<< Anonymous
And after anyone use that stop defense card, you die..
<< Anonymous
But who uses stop defense outside of new players?
<< Anonymous
Enemy controller, order to charge, windstorm of etaqua will make sure this card won't be used that much on PVP
<< Anonymous(ShkelqimH)
True, but there are a lot of ways to get around them.
I don't know how old this comment is but it's pretty decent if you want to make a quick synchro summon. Just summon a tuner and use the skill to summon a level monster, then synchro summon your monster
It's almost a free 5 star monster with 3000 def at any time. It's a strong anti-bricking skill. There are still some skills that outshine it at the moment but it's good.


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That is @@@ed up even for this site’s standards V
Welcome back, Mr. president. May you cause even more chaos than last time.
why you don't let the card obtinable
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