
Evolsaur Diplo | Deck and Rulings

I thought this 🔥er was gone but it's back with the new SD deck Evolsaur Xyz. AND unlike Tyranno's 2 copies, the NPCs actually use the full 3 copies. AND they have ways to activate his effect when special summoned from the hand too so if they draw it it's not a Garnet like it was when Tyranno did.
Good thing my DM world stage level isn't that high, so I don't encounter the Evol deck :p
<< Anonymous
You can avoid it even if you do have that stage, as it’s ZEXAL world only. But the 2 new amazing beautiful girls exclusive to there are too charming to pass.
<< Anonymous
DM world stage affects the level of standard duelists in all worlds, including Zexal world.
<< Anonymous
Cope. It affects the levels but not the decks. Decks exclusive to 5D’s and ZEXAL worlds exist.
<< Anonymous
Yes, but it still means if I go to Zexal world when my DM world stage is higher, I could be encountering the Evol Xyz deck.
<< Anonymous
But if you see one and you don’t want to face it, just switch to any other world and fight the corresponding SD there for a different deck.


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Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei has 1000 ATK and 3500 DEF. If you use this card, your monster'...
God rules over heaven Satan rules over hell Trump rules over Earth Trump is basically Jesus ...
Hey tying to get a vagabond to continue the story. 834-546-725
That is @@@ed up even for this site’s standards V
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