
39th Mini Box: Energy of Gigarays

Gravekepper Commandant is the only worthed card here the rest are A$$
Spirit Reaper no?
<< Anonymous
Spirit reaper ranked as C+??? Seriously?? A card that was even in limited 1 list for ages? Gamea personnel are obviously 14years old boys.
<< Anonymous
Fetih 1453
Activate Book of Moon and target Spirit Reaper, it will be destroyed.
<< Anonymous
Reaper was limited like 15 years will change nothing now
<< Anonymous(Fetih 1453)
No, Spirit Reaper only destroys itself after the effect that targeted it resolves and it must still be face-up. Basically equip cards and Enemy Controller can 🔥 it.
<< Anonymous
Back then we had 3 book of moon. Still was considered a staple. But yeah, the game has changed a lot since 2005.
<< Anonymous
Duel links baits you by releasing old powerfull cards after modern cards, so that you think "omg this is broken" and you get scammed. By the same logic you can't use past data to evaluate a deck. Cyber slash was released in 2019
<< Anonymous
Harpies were meta since xyz first came out, even without cyber slash. About spirit reaper only time will tell. Some old cards became instant tier picks, see book of moon, mst, monster reborn, enemy controller, cyber stein, gold sarcophagus, stratos, malicius whereas others were completely neglected see bottomless trap hole, smashing ground, vortex etc.
<< Anonymous
Just w8ing to see a new weird hybrid deck using just 2-3 commandant and 2-3 necrovalley.
<< Anonymous
Spirit Reaper won't be busted but it's still a decent card. Certainly above C+. Interestingly its real weakness is probably being a 300 atk monster in a game with only 4000 LP. Makes attacking with it a lot more risky.
<< Anonymous
Duel Links doesn’t bait you, never mind sorry.
<< Anonymous
they did


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why you don't let the card obtinable
There are alot of cards that are still not in duel links that should be. And there should be a no...
DUNE NECTAR WEB EXPERT Our name is even more stupid than our scam victims lol
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