I think 7/10 a decent rating.
Thunder Nyan Nyan is a Hunder Family support card.
The Hunder's spam the board with light monsters to help minimize Nyan Nyan destruction effect.
In addition, Brohunder will search this 1,900 beater.
It isn't bad for people who like the Hunders.
The Hunders struggle because they all have low attack.
They really needed something like this to help them.
They finally have a normal summoning monster which is stronger than what my other decks will run.
It gives them a chance.
Well lookie here a comment from player that doesn't involve him being arrogant for once,I guess miracles do happen in fact you almost sound intelligent in this post
sjp91 I think player j was originally a normal dude and someone who couldn't win an argument with him was 🔥 so he tried to use his name to piss ppl off so idk this is really confusing