
Psychic Shockwave | Decks and Tips

The description of this card’s misleading. It doesn’t specify that it can’t be activated during battle phase. Tried it out against a Hand thief deck and it didn’t activate during the response of Rising energy.
No it's not misleading. It is a rule in ygo that during "damage step", only following cards can be avtivated:

1) effects that modify atk def values e.g. rising energy, mirror wall

2) counter trap cards.

TL DR: this can be activated in battle phase but not during damage step.
<< Anonymous
Other cards can be activated during the battle phase. You're wrong. Shockwave is misleading. It's a trap why not activate it like other traps during the battle.
<< Anonymous
Because you tried to activate it during the Damage Step, when the game's rules forbid this card from activating in the Damage Step, since it's not a counter trap and it doesn't modifies ATK/DEF.

The above anon missed one more thing that can be activated in Damage Step btw, effects that negates can also be used in Damage Step. However, Psychic Shockwave does not negate.
<< Anonymous
Shockwave is not misleading, it's just you who don't understand how Damage Step works.
<< Anonymous
Sorry but you are wrong, by your logic traps like call of the haunted or mirror force can't be used during the battle phase either. As long as a trap meets the summon criteria it doesn't matter if it's speed 2 or speed 3 it can be used during the battle phase. As it's not working in duel links for this trap it's either bugged or not implemented correctly.
<< Anonymous
There are restrictions on what can be used in the Damage Step. Does Psychic Shockwave alter ATK/DEF? No. Is it a Counter Trap? No. Is it a Quick Effect Monster? No. Does it say it can be used in the Damage Step? No. Thus, it cannot be used in the Damage Step.
<< Anonymous
no, YOU are wrong. It's not even about logic here, it's the game's rule. As already stated by multiple anons : DAMAGE STEP.

Battle Phase doesn't just consist of battling time. It's broken down into many steps, and this card cannot be used in one of them, the Damage Step.
Battle phase is different from damage step dude, just do some god damn research idiot


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Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei has 1000 ATK and 3500 DEF. If you use this card, your monster'...
God rules over heaven Satan rules over hell Trump rules over Earth Trump is basically Jesus ...
Hey tying to get a vagabond to continue the story. 834-546-725
That is @@@ed up even for this site’s standards V
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