
Riryoku | Decks and Tips

Not sure why this card is rated as a 9.5. You should only ever run this card in farming decks to increase Cerberus's attack, and never in PVP. Cards like Metalmorph or even other continuous spells such as Gravity Axe are more useful since they are permanent buffs and can't be negated as easily as Riryoku. Nearly every deck has Windstorm of Etaqua, and 1 or more copies of both Enemy Controller and Sphere Kuriboh, which basically just makes Riryoku a wasted card
This card is a great counter to Mirror Wall.
Calling it a "great" "counter" to Mirror Wall is a huge stretch. It's a one time use card to bypass Mirror Wall against 1 monster for 1 turn and can easily be negated by the likes of Windstorm, Econ, and Kuriboh, all of which are in near every deck. The opponent having one of the aforementioned cards set is way more likely than the opponent having a Mirror Wall set.
It validates plenty of decks in PvP, 🔥 off with this nonsense.
<< Anonymous
How is it nonsense? Literally the only PVP deck that uses Riryoku are Victory Viper decks, which aren't exactly common or very good. Its only use is for farming, and even then Gift of the Martyr is better
Dude , ur argument fails miserably .In terms of battle ,wich is the most important thing in pvp ,riryouko is the most powerful spell card in the game since u can defeat ANY monster with any monster of ur own ,and yes it is a great counter to mirror wall and RE ,but when it comes to windstorm kuriboh and Econ ,Don't those work in any situation in pvp ? Don't they work against relinqueshed,GK,HHG ?
<< Anonymous
Yes, they work against any deck well, and can easily be put in any deck. Riryoku is simply a terrible card that is easily stopped by a ton of meta cards. If you flip a monster to defense mode then chances are you can just 🔥 it anyways, since most high attack monsters also have low defense, aside from Blue-Eyes. Riryoku is a slow and awful card and that will never change.
Ur dumb brah
<< Anonymous
Have fun sitting in Silver 1 with your Riryoku then I guess lol.
<< Anonymous
Sorry, you have no idea how to use riryoku, against 3sd decks, this card just easily can make you win in 1 turn. And against HHG can give you a chance, plus nullify MW that almost all PvP decks have, so no matter which card can stop it, if the opponent don't have a kuriboh or econ, this card is a game change, forcing hard in a single turn
<< Anonymous
Except Econ can also make you win against 3SD just as easily as Riryoku can, except one is a good card used in nearly every deck and the other is a card that is only useful in specific decks. Niche cards like Riryoku shouldn't ever be considered as high as 9.5/10 because, well, they're niche. I don't understand why you need Riryoku to "have a chance" against HHG decks either lmao. GL in Silver tho
<< Anonymous
Player J
I find it funny that you think Riryoku is a bad card.
I find it funny that you tell other people to have fun in silver.


However, your the one who says Riryoku is bad + your the one who called Gravity Axe a continuous spell.


I guess I am another "silver" player as well!


However, It is better than being a "bronze" player like you!

<< Anonymous(Player J)
I'm a KOG player and everytime Riryoku has been used against me, I've won the match. Why? Because while you use your Riryoku, I will simply OTC/Enemy Controller/Kuriboh your monster, making your investment meaningless and putting you down one extra card.

The best part is when they use Riryoku on a monster that would defeat mine without the boost - had they not used it or put it on their deck
<< Anonymous(Edgar81539)
More than likely they would have another card to turn around the match instead of this crap. Position change and chainable destruction is extremely prevalent on this game for this card to be 9.5, I would give it a 7 at best.
<< Anonymous(Edgar81539)
Player J
I'm a KOG player and all my KOG decks use Riryoku.

Why? Because while I am using Riryoku on a small meaningless monster.
I am baiting out your defensive cards.

You are than falling right into my trap by responding with OTC/Enemy Controller/Kuriboh my monster, making my investment minimal and simplifying both sides by one card.
<< Anonymous(Player J)
Your investment minimal? You're using 2 cards, while the player using Enemy Controller/Etaqua/Kuriboh is using only 1 card. The only case where your investment equals that of the opponent is when they use OtC. You can't "bait" defensive cards on a game like this because the speed of the game is not high enough for you to rebuild advantage the same turn you get hit by a defensive card.
<< Anonymous(Edgar81539)
Player J
No, Edgar!
We both are using an equal amount of cards.

I am using 1 monster + Riryoku.
You are using 1 monster + ?

If you use E.Con/WOE/Kuriboh, we both have used 1 card each.
We both will have 1 monster on the field remaining.
It is an even exchange.

If you use OTC, we have simplified the game by using 2 cards each.
We will have no monsters on the field.

And Yes!
I can bait defensive cards!
<< Anonymous(Player J)
Yes Riryoku baits defensive cards but it's a waste of a deck slot in 99% of decks, and you would rather just have something else over it lol. I'm a KoG player and none of my decks have Riryoku, therefore my opinion is just as valid as yours!!!! I'd like to see what decks actually got you to KoG with Riryoku though, if you don't mind sharing. Still don't see how this card remotely deserves a 9.5
<< Anonymous
Many KoG deck use this card at 1, I personally use this at 1.
Sometime you need an out for a big monster that otherwise you don't.
Sometime this can steal game by helping you attack "directly".
<< Anonymous(Realm)
If your deck has space left to add something, add something far more useful than a 🔥ing Riryoku. A tech like Wild Tornado, a single tribute monster (like Knight of the Red Lotus in Harpies), or literally anything else. The guy that said he reached KoG with Riryoku hasn't even demonstrated it!
<< Anonymous(Edgar81539)
This card was great but after kc cup it became crap. Great for farming. No good PvP pmdeck will have it. To many common counters and doesn't stay on your character.
<< Anonymous
It should be rated like grave keeper vassal. 10/10 for farming and 3/10 for PvP.
<< Anonymous
All the people saying this card sucks are conceited, elitist assholes.
It's good for farming AND for PvE. And the fact that it's not your precious enemy controllers doesn't mean you're not an asshole for saying it deserves a 3/10.
A card can be very good, and still not be a staple.
🔥 off with your pretentiousness.
<< Anonymous
and what will you propose as the Pvp rating of the card? you don't get it, riryoku is frowned upon not because its a subpar ATK-enhancing card that is easily counter-able, but because it's not a quick-play spell. IN SHORT, IT IS NOT FLEXIBLE. oftentimes, board control is important as early as your opponent's turn, and riryoku's pacing is just SLOW and LINEAR.


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