I just made KOG with this deck. I submitted my info hopefully the pictures went through. I went from Platinum Rank 1 to KOG in about 4 hours. Anywho here is my variation inspired by YT Dan on Youtube:
3 Geargiattacker
3 Geargianchor
2 Geargiarsenal
3 Ties of the Brethren
3 Pulse Mines
2 Forbidden Chalice
1 Powerful Rebirth
1 Paleozoic Canadia
Wind of Etaqua
Curse of Anubis
The Geargia monsters and Paleozoic Canadia are in Valiant Souls. Powerful Rebirth is in Blades of Spirits, Ties of the Brethren in Abyss Encounters however you may have to reset the box three times to have all three unless you get it on a free UR card during a sale. Pulse Mines can be found in the tickets from last week's WCS giveaway, the SR ones. WoE and CoA are Mai and Odion's level up rewards
Pulse Mines can be gotten by Espa Roba events as well. Ranked Duel SR tickets may have them but I'm not sure. It's a very very expensive deck I just had most of the cards from trying to build different deck's over the past year. Take advantage of sales if possible.
No it just flips it face down. That's why I have 2 Forbidden Chalice's. I tried 3 but it just increases the risk of having a bad starting hand or drawing it at the wrong time.
Sylvans were probably my worst match ups to KOG simply due to Rose Lover's one turn anti-trap effect. Masked Hero were maybe the 2nd if I didn't have atleast one backrow card. However I never ranked down when I got past Platinum Rank 2. I never lost more than twice in a row and I beat every deck there is in this meta. Amazoness and CA were probably the easiest match ups.