
Duelist Chronicles GX: Welcome to Duel Academy!

update 18/07/2019

Event Details

Period17 July 2019 - 26 July 2019

How to Play

1. Collect Dice Fragments!

Dice Fragments can be obtained from:

  • Legendary Duelist
  • Standard Duelists
  • Event Chests
  • Daily when you enter the event screen.
  • 3 times a day from Ranked Duel.

2. Advance through the map!

Rolling the Dice once will cost you 7 Dice Fragments and give a result from 1-3.

3. Complete the zone to obtain a Reward!

Clear the event multiple times to get all the rewards.

4. Save up the Lottery Coins to use in the Lottery!

  • Each lottery pull will cost you 30 coins.
  • Sparks when on your pull will indicate at least one platinum pack.

King of Game Challenge [Will be Appear on 21 July 2019]

Note: :To see the Challenge Guide page, please click the link below:

Treasure Room Appear

Note: :Treasure Room will only appear on your second round and onward.

A door to the Treasure Room appears! You can land on it to enter the Treasure Room and earns tons of Millenium Coins and it only cost 1 Dice Fragment to roll the dice!

Treasure Room Decklist

Ojama Lvl 40: Land of the Ojamas (Skill)

Land of the Ojamas (Skill): Begins Duel with the Field Spell "Ojama Country" activated.

Legendary Duelist's Decklist

Note: :To see the Legendary Duelist's decklist, please click the link below:

Exclusive Rewards

Hamon, Lord of Striking Thunder [UR, Prismatic]

Hamon, Lord of Striking Thunder
Hamon, Lord of Striking Thunder
LIGHT Thunder ★10
ATK 4000 / DEF 4000
Duelist Chronicles GX: Welcome to Duel Academy! [UR]
Cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. Must be Special Summoned (from your hand) by sending 3 face-up Continuous Spell Cards you control to the Graveyard, and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways. When this card destroys your opponent's monster by battle and sends it to the Graveyard: Inflict 1000 damage to your opponent. While this card is in face-up Defense Position, your opponent cannot target other monsters for attacks.

EX Jewel

You'll get EX Jewels during the event. That item can be traded for event exclusive cards at Card Trader EX! You can only trade each card once! The recommended cards shown below.

Recommended Cards

Lottery Rewards

Clear Reward

Round 1

Entrance ExamGems x20
Obelisk Blue - Girl's DormAnti-Fusion DeviceAnti-Fusion Device
Slifer Red - DormExtra Life x3
Duel Against North AcademyGems x20
Sacred BeastsHamon, Lord of Striking ThunderHamon, Lord of Striking Thunder

Round 2

Entrance ExamGems x20
Obelisk Blue - Girl's DormResult Booster x3
Slifer Red - DormSabatiel - The Philosopher's StoneSabatiel - The Philosopher's Stone
Duel Against North AcademyGems x20
Sacred BeastsWinged Kuriboh LV9Winged Kuriboh LV9

Round 3

Entrance ExamGold x10,000
Obelisk Blue - Girl's DormGems x20
Slifer Red - DormElemental HERO ElectrumElemental HERO Electrum
Duel Against North AcademyGems x30
Sacred BeastsElemental HERO CoreElemental HERO Core

Round 4

Entrance ExamGems x20
Obelisk Blue - Girl's DormGems x20
Slifer Red - DormGold x10,000
Duel Against North AcademyGems x30
Sacred BeastsThe Supremacy SunThe Supremacy Sun

Round 5

Entrance ExamR Jewel x50
Obelisk Blue - Girl's DormGems x20
Slifer Red - DormGold x20,000
Duel Against North AcademyGems x30
Sacred BeastsPlasma Warrior EitomPlasma Warrior Eitom

Round 6

Sacred BeastsDuelist Chronicles GX: Welcome to Duel Academy! Event Completed Achievement

Round 7,8,9 & 10

Sacred BeastsR Jewel x100


Hot New Top
My stupid luck, give me the damm exclusive
<< Anonymous(Fercho)
platpx3 Reply
Yeah I know it’s bullcrap, and I’m not joking, but this event just hates me.
<< Anonymous
platpx3 Reply
Finally, got enough EX Jewel to get Chaos Neos. Took forever
<< Anonymous(platpx3)
Anonymous Reply
You also get one from beating the event 5 times IIRC.
<< Anonymous(platpx3)
Nephalès Reply
+ 50k pieces use And I did not have any Chaos Neos... :(
Wanna know how boring gx are? Look at the mission, every mission in this event require you to play as Jaden. that's what makes gx boring, because it's all about Jaden.
<< Anonymous
Kaikai Reply
Watch all episode GX, and you will know how it's fun a GX
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I agree that it's somewhat unfortunate that all of the duels use Jaden. But short of splitting the first season of GX into two events, I don't think there was a way that made sense. Most of the most major duels were fought by Jaden. (I don't think this is a problem with the GX anime, actually. It's more a sign of how tough the Shadow Riders actually were IMO.)
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
It's worth keeping in mind that the duels are always from the perspective of the winner. So the only major duels that would have made sense that didn't involve Jaden were Chazz vs Don Zaloog and Alexis vs Titan. (They could've also used Syrus instead of Jaden for Para/Dox, but I think Jaden makes more sense there.)
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Agreed. They had so many characters with interesting archetypes (Alexis' Cyber Angels, Ojamas and XYZs with Chazz, Crowler's Ancient Gears, Aster's D-Heroes), but every time a baddie showed up, it was Jaden who had to duel him. Always the same. It was hard to finish the entire show.
Im played a "fantastic" 15 minute today...... and then im just sleep. VERY interesting game XD
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Not even, twice you’ve failed prove my point to perfection. Thanks little boy :P
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
How do you even know this person is a "dude".

Try again human
First card, and prismatic ! Haha !
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yubel has animation for uria. I have summoned it using her
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I think exclusives cards that we gonna get only 1 gonna be prismatic. i guess this will happen too with earthbounds on 5ds
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I have him too.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Of course Yubel has that summon animation. It was wonderful!
Evil Rick
Everybody is gonna be buying Tiki Soul, Embodiment of Apophis & Swamp Mirrorer from the Card Trader now. XD
<< Anonymous(Evil Rick)
Razaelriezen Reply
What do you mean buy
I’ve had a trap monster deck now for a long time
<< Anonymous(Evil Rick)
Anonymous Reply
but those are good for early game ... don't you already have them all waaaay back when you first started ?

I bought them all back when i started the game especially apophis. they are so versatile before one could have enough gems for WoD, Cyclone, and FTH.
<< Anonymous(Evil Rick)
Anonymous Reply
your better off using vision hero witch raider.
<< Anonymous(Anonymous)
Evil Rick Reply
Yeah I alredy have 3 copies of all, used them mostly for Tribute summon decks
<< Anonymous
Michael Rosen Reply
<< Anonymous(Michael Rosen)
Anonymous Reply
^when somethings nice
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
So Nice
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Just so noice
I think this event might be repetitive, so they need to updated a little just like they re-skined duel quest / duel a-thon with the Mini event Circuit.

A new face for it would be good. But the event was always nice, a bit old but good.
<< Anonymous
Brishawn Reply
Even i don't play pvp. I only care about unlocking characters pretty much. People play the same decks created in the very same fashion and gets boring going up against those who can't come up with a good deck themselves. I'm about to give up this game this year soon.
<< Anonymous(Brishawn)
Anonymous Reply
why you dont give up now?
<< Anonymous(Maybe)
Anonymous Reply
Nice idea.
<< Anonymous(Brishawn)
Anonymous Reply
It has always been like this Brishawn, it will continue to be like this in the future too. If anything, the meta right now has the highest diversity of decks with quite a few being competitive at the top as opposed to just 2-4 decks in the past.

If you want higher diversity, don't promote out of platinum league. Everyone at legend is going for KOG, consistency = wins, so same decks are played.
As far as I know
we are getting a new character from GX.
Which means FREE gems up to level 45.

So you can build your decks for free.
Also getting prismatic Hamon lord of Thunder or Raviel is really cool. I can't believe some people are dumb enough to label this event as bad.
<< Anonymous(As far as I know)
Anonymous Reply
Who's the new character? AFAIK I don't remember reading about a character unlock in this event. Where are you getting your info from?

BTW I dislike this event because how repetitive it is. Konami is pushing this event like every other month or so, and aside from Hamon, the rewards are sh*t. Not to mention that the event is just BORING.
<< Anonymous(As far as I know)
Anonymous Reply
There's no new character my guy. The event is boring in itself, has horrible rewards and is excessivly repeated.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Free Gems ! but Jaden/Yubel is not here yet
Paleozoic decks finally get a boss monster.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Paleos aren't even Continuous Traps to begin with, they're normal Traps.
<< Anonymous
Lovely Aster Reply
What about the trap monsters? I've sort of been looking for an excuse to level up Odion to 45 to get that quantum cat card just because it looks cool.
<< Anonymous
Evil Rick Reply
Tikis got a Boss monster you mean
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Paleozoics are not traps..... they are normal monsters when summoned.....
Brazilian Guy.
Give us Absolute Zero so I can abuse it with World Legacy Clash.
<< Anonymous(Brazilian Guy. )
Anonymous Reply
This is a good combo but kinda inconsistent because you must have the fusion engine (usually a poly and the materials) plus World Legacy and clash.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
Brazilian Guy. Reply
It is not an inconsistent combo at all since we open with Clash very frequently and we have neos fusion to set the graveyard for a Miracle Fusion.
<< Anonymous(Brazilian Guy. )
EHeroAndrew Reply
Highly doubt it. Konami would never let Absolute Zero be released in multiple copies. It’s way too powerful for Duel Links. Maybe as a Level Reward from Jaden-Yubel, so that you can only get 1.
guys, after 5 round you get any gems?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Good to know.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
If I can become a fairy I would gladly give up being a human. It took three similar replies for the asking anon to understand the answer. I guess humans are dangerous creatures at best.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I got so far above 1000 gems from the lottery and chests. I enjoy these chronicles events a lot although the previous one was better as it encouraged you to play as different characters while you only need to play as Jaden on this one.
How do u get uria from the event cuz its not droping for me can someone tell me how u get him
<< Anonymous(Fred)
WoodFrJared Reply
Hi, you can only get Uria from the previous Duelist Chronicle GX: welcome to duel academy on Dec 2018
<< Anonymous(Fred)
Anonymous Reply
Maybe coming at the lifetime mission in the future while yubel is at gate maybe?
<< WoodFrJared
Fred Reply
It says on his page that hes from this event
<< Anonymous(Fred)
Anonymous Reply
Yes, a previous version of this event

So I guess just wait until Uria is made available again.

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Freind code add me plz 001xua0gzw0c
It's used in Dragonic Contact decks | v
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