
Duelist Chronicles GX: Welcome to Duel Academy!

update 18/07/2019

Event Details

Period17 July 2019 - 26 July 2019

How to Play

1. Collect Dice Fragments!

Dice Fragments can be obtained from:

  • Legendary Duelist
  • Standard Duelists
  • Event Chests
  • Daily when you enter the event screen.
  • 3 times a day from Ranked Duel.

2. Advance through the map!

Rolling the Dice once will cost you 7 Dice Fragments and give a result from 1-3.

3. Complete the zone to obtain a Reward!

Clear the event multiple times to get all the rewards.

4. Save up the Lottery Coins to use in the Lottery!

  • Each lottery pull will cost you 30 coins.
  • Sparks when on your pull will indicate at least one platinum pack.

King of Game Challenge [Will be Appear on 21 July 2019]

Note: :To see the Challenge Guide page, please click the link below:

Treasure Room Appear

Note: :Treasure Room will only appear on your second round and onward.

A door to the Treasure Room appears! You can land on it to enter the Treasure Room and earns tons of Millenium Coins and it only cost 1 Dice Fragment to roll the dice!

Treasure Room Decklist

Ojama Lvl 40: Land of the Ojamas (Skill)

Land of the Ojamas (Skill): Begins Duel with the Field Spell "Ojama Country" activated.

Legendary Duelist's Decklist

Note: :To see the Legendary Duelist's decklist, please click the link below:

Exclusive Rewards

Hamon, Lord of Striking Thunder [UR, Prismatic]

Hamon, Lord of Striking Thunder
Hamon, Lord of Striking Thunder
LIGHT Thunder ★10
ATK 4000 / DEF 4000
Duelist Chronicles GX: Welcome to Duel Academy! [UR]
Cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. Must be Special Summoned (from your hand) by sending 3 face-up Continuous Spell Cards you control to the Graveyard, and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways. When this card destroys your opponent's monster by battle and sends it to the Graveyard: Inflict 1000 damage to your opponent. While this card is in face-up Defense Position, your opponent cannot target other monsters for attacks.

EX Jewel

You'll get EX Jewels during the event. That item can be traded for event exclusive cards at Card Trader EX! You can only trade each card once! The recommended cards shown below.

Recommended Cards

Lottery Rewards

Clear Reward

Round 1

Entrance ExamGems x20
Obelisk Blue - Girl's DormAnti-Fusion DeviceAnti-Fusion Device
Slifer Red - DormExtra Life x3
Duel Against North AcademyGems x20
Sacred BeastsHamon, Lord of Striking ThunderHamon, Lord of Striking Thunder

Round 2

Entrance ExamGems x20
Obelisk Blue - Girl's DormResult Booster x3
Slifer Red - DormSabatiel - The Philosopher's StoneSabatiel - The Philosopher's Stone
Duel Against North AcademyGems x20
Sacred BeastsWinged Kuriboh LV9Winged Kuriboh LV9

Round 3

Entrance ExamGold x10,000
Obelisk Blue - Girl's DormGems x20
Slifer Red - DormElemental HERO ElectrumElemental HERO Electrum
Duel Against North AcademyGems x30
Sacred BeastsElemental HERO CoreElemental HERO Core

Round 4

Entrance ExamGems x20
Obelisk Blue - Girl's DormGems x20
Slifer Red - DormGold x10,000
Duel Against North AcademyGems x30
Sacred BeastsThe Supremacy SunThe Supremacy Sun

Round 5

Entrance ExamR Jewel x50
Obelisk Blue - Girl's DormGems x20
Slifer Red - DormGold x20,000
Duel Against North AcademyGems x30
Sacred BeastsPlasma Warrior EitomPlasma Warrior Eitom

Round 6

Sacred BeastsDuelist Chronicles GX: Welcome to Duel Academy! Event Completed Achievement

Round 7,8,9 & 10

Sacred BeastsR Jewel x100


Hot New Top
I never played uria in my life
I love how I participated in this event BUT DIDNT GET URIA!!? Like wtf when are the rereleasing? I have Hamon and the BLue obelisk one
<< Anonymous(SenpaiHentai)
Anonymous Reply
There are more than one Duelist Chronicle, even if we're talking about just the GX one.

You probably remembered it wrong and mistook one that give something else as the one that give Uria.
Dota2 Meister
Anyone know when they will re-release this event? I missed it. I collected all other beast and god cards, except Hamon. Please re-event it in the future :)
<< Anonymous(Dota2 Meister)
Anonymous Reply
They already did it twice. We don't need it again. They just need to give a lifetime mission to get Hamon.
<< Anonymous
Dota2 Meister Reply
Hopefully they will do that. I just wanna collect them all :D
<< Anonymous(Dota2 Meister)
Anonymous Reply
Hamon is the season two one now that I think of it. So they will probably bring it back since they only did it once.
Dont they give a week before the lottery dissapears? Why cant u access it?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yep, they give you a few days. But I think the last possible date to do this was yesterday.
They better let me get that in a future pack or via tickets!!!!
Please tell me if there will be a rerun of this event. King of Games this season was total 🔥
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
What? You can easily beat Yugi Muto in this event.....I just run a regular Destiny Hero-Masked Hero Anki deck and easily pummel him in the first 4 turns 95% of the time.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I dont think he meant yugi
Not bad 50k
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
have fun... I just used 11k of coins and got 19 !!!! Gems yeah really it were really 19Gems god im so happy thank you KONAMi 19 GEMs haha... I regret farming these... yeah of course I had already more than that, I just farmed those today
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
That was nice.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Wow so many coins bro
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Kept clicking it took me damn 20 mins to use up all coins
Carlos Yugo
I just use this website to find tips on events and stuff like that.
I got all the drops very early.
<< Anonymous(Matt)
Anonymous Reply
cool event
I really like this event.
It's nice, but maybe they should renew it just like when they did about duel a-thon
I'm very sure they rigged the AI to always have the perfect hand from Round 3 onward.

Lv40 was a breeze at Round 1, but in Round 3 it becomes impossible to do some of the missions in each duel. Heck against Bastion and Chazz I didn't get to do any of the mission at all, I'm forced to end it quickly otherwise I'm gonna be wasting even more dice and booster items.
It's a good thing I don't care about this event. Could focus on more important games... Like Kamihime Project

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Freind code add me plz 001xua0gzw0c
It's used in Dragonic Contact decks | v
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