
Buster Blader, the Dragon Destroyer Swordsman | Decks and Tips

This page notes details of Buster Blader, the Dragon Destroyer Swordsman (LIGHT/Warrior/Fusion Monster/Effect Monster) : decks, tips, effect and rulings. Learn and enjoy playing Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links!
update 08/05/2020

Buster Blader, the Dragon Destroyer Swordsman

Buster Blader, the Dragon Destroyer Swordsman
Monster TypeWarrior
Card typeFusion / Effect
Card Effect TypeSummoning condition / Continuous Effect
ArchetypesBuster Blader
Related to ArchetypesDestruction Sword


1 "Buster Blader" + 1 Dragon-Type monster
Must be Fusion Summoned and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways. This card cannot attack directly. This card gains 1000 ATK and DEF for each Dragon-Type monster your opponent controls or is in their Graveyard. Change all Dragon-Type monsters your opponent controls to Defense Position, also Dragon-Type monsters in your opponent's possession cannot activate their effects. If this card attacks a Defense Position monster, inflict piercing battle damage to your opponent.

How to get / rarity

PackCrimson Kingdom [UR]
Selection Box Vol.05 [UR]
Level-up reward--
Victory against--
Card trader--




  • Good attack and defense, and can be increased higher if your opponent uses Dragon-type monsters.
  • Very strong against Dragon decks since it will negate their effects, and switches them to defense position.
  • Deals piercing damage when attacking defense position monsters.
  • Fusion summoning this card can be easy if you use fusion substitute monster, since you can use any other dragon type monster as the other material.


  • Can't attack directly.
  • If you are using a dragon deck, and your opponent takes control of this card (through cards like Enemy Controller), it can potentially one shot you if you don't have any protection.
  • If your opponent does not use any Dragon-type monsters, it is just a high attack monster that can pierce defense position monsters, but can't attack directly.


Fusion substitutes

Without needing to bring Buster Blader, you can use any Dragon-type monsters to fuse into the Dragon Destroyer. This can make it more versatile and much easier to summon. Red-Eyes B. Dragon now can be used to fusion summon into 3 different monsters, which can make it versatile, especially since Red-Eyes has its own supports as well.




ActionsChanges Battle Positions
Monster/Spell/Trap categoriesPrevents activation of your opponent's Effect Monsters
Summoning categories2 Fusion Materials / Nomi
Stat changesThis card gains ATK / This card gains DEF
Attack categoriesCannot attack directly / Piercing


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Yeah, I plan to one day on this game have the craziest, and maybe even hopefully strongest Dragon Deck Possible and I already know this is going to become my Scourging Enemy Soon! :o
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Liar you just don't want to share, what's the matter? Afraid you'll be defeated? Good.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Like this card would even be good...

It is hard to summon (3 cards to get it) and doesn't even have protection from spells or traps.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Of course you’d use the liar card. Fine

Blue Dragon Summoner 3x
Kaibaman 3x
King of the Swamp 1x
The Earth Hex-Sealed Fusion 2x
Dark Magician 1x
Fusion Gate 1x
Luninous Spark 1x
Polymerization 3x
E-Con 3x
Champion’s Vigilance 1x

<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Dark Paladin can't be special summoned except by fusion. So in this case there is no improvement.

Learn to read before throwing out accusations.
This card destroys Zane
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Cannon and Claw wouldn't be able to activate their discard effect, meaning if this card is up on the field turn 1, Zane cannot get the dragons into the graveyard so they can be equipped, and cannot search Inferno either.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
What about Cyber Dragon
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yes, Cannon and Claw couldn't activate the effects, this is a good observation. But we all know that being able to summon this card on turn 1 is not that easy as it depends on luck. But this is a good card overall.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Wtf :v a Zane hater lol ^^
played against a Seto running dragons, who started his turn owning the field with a 3k dragon and another 4* dragon vs my 1 dragon. He summons darkflare dragon, uses his effect to drop Kidmodo to his graveyard, and summons a Blue 3 high atk dragons..but can't attack that turn.

I have 1 card in my hand (buster bladder), my next draw is over. The dragon destroyer arrived on field with over 7k attack..
<< Anonymous(VSS9)
Anonymous Reply
You fuse them dumbass mother 🔥ing cunt 🔥
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
stupid uncompetent cheater without brain
<< Anonymous(VSS9)
Anonymous Reply
VSS9, he already had a dragon on the field and Buster Blader in his hand. He top-decked Poly
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I dueled a similar person who used a Dragon deck while I was running a basic Paladin/BB fusion deck and I won in two turns with a first turn Buster Blader fusion
Question, this card text said it can't attack directly but when the vagabond summon this card, he was able to attack me directly. That's some 🔥.
<< Anonymous(B.)
Anonymous Reply
That is a bug
<< Anonymous(Incognito)
B. Reply
Yea. From attacking me directly.
<< Anonymous(B.)
.l. Reply
If the challenge was "no monster effect" he can do that
<< Anonymous(.l.)
some dude.. Reply
.l. 31days ago close reply
If the challenge was "no monster effect" he can do that
Vagabond rules affects YOU and not the vagabond himself you moron.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
So how do i fusion easier i dont get it help please
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
There is a card in the card traer called hex sealed fusión, something like that, get 3 of those instead
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Hex Sealed Fusion also can only replace Buster Blader, and their second effect cannot be used to bring out this card since this card must be fusion summoned properly.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You can substitute Goddes for Buster Blader. You still need Dragon type monster however. DNA surgery may be helpful
Something is really wrong. Today is 11/30/19, and for whatever reason I can’t use Fusion Substitute monsters anymore to summon this card.

It used to be Buster Blader/Substitute+Dragon = Fusion

Now only BB+Dragon works.

Using the Destruction Swordsman Fusion Quick Play card like I always have.

This is a HUGE nerf to Buster Blader decks (especially DNA surgery decks) and I’m freaking pissed.
<< Anonymous(Yugiboi)
Anonymous Reply
Wow bro I experienced that but it works if you use polymerization, i think it's more of abug
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
It's not a bug. It's the ruling change.
<< Anonymous(Yugiboi)
Anonymous Reply
As already said, it's a Ruling change in OCG. DL uses OCG Rulings.

Scroll down a bit, it's the 6th Q&A.
<< Anonymous(Yugiboi)
Anonymous Reply
yeah, its so sad, BB DNA its my favorite deck :/
Why I can't destroy this with Devine Wrath? Although it's effect is activated when I summon a dragon monster and it's changed to defense position.
<< Anonymous(Brwa)
Anonymous Reply
cuz his efect just resolves is not an activation
<< Anonymous(Brwa)
Anonymous Reply
Same reason you can't activate Divine Wrath in response to a monster's piercing damage.
<< Anonymous(Brwa)
Anonymous Reply
Cuz it's a continuous effect. Divine Wrath can only negate effects at the point of activation. Continuous effects just happen automatically without activation. Activation would be Dark Paladin's effect that negates spell cards.
<< Anonymous(Brwa)
SmartASS Reply
Great explanation above. Another tip for you: when monster effect activation takes place, you will see huge portrait of monster popping on screen.
Why can't I fusion summon this card with "1 buster blader + 1 fusion substitute monster"? Though I can do the opposite thing (1 dragon + 1 fusion substitute)!

Am I missing something here?!
<< Anonymous
Jaka Reply
More than likely because the fusion sub has a specific card they're subbing for (buster blader) when you have a dragon in your hand whereas having bb in your hand, the sub monster has no specific card to sub for this not becoming a dragon type
<< Anonymous(Jaka)
Anonymous Reply
I thought it was a bug or something. Thanks for replying.
<< Anonymous
VSS9 Reply
I think you are using the other 'Buster Blader, the Destruction Swordmaster' card which only 'buster blader' when it is on the field
<< Anonymous(VSS9)
Anonymous Reply
the other person already replied with the correct answer. You can't use fusion substitutes to substitute for non-specific materials. So you can't substitute for "1 Dragon type monster" you can only sub for "Buster Blader."
just need 1 chance if u knew the trick
<< Anonymous(memex)
Red Eyes B. Reply
<< Anonymous(Red Eyes B.)
Red Eyes B. Reply
. . . I think I figured it out x'D
<< Anonymous(Red Eyes B.)
Red Eyes B. Reply
Oh no wait.. maybe not. Nvmind.
<< Anonymous(memex)
Abhinav Reply
Probably the trick was this was the only UR left in his pack & it was the last pack he opened.
What "This card cannot attack directly." means exactly ?
<< Anonymous(CastorJo)
Noobs Reply
Cannot declare an attack to opponent, but still can attack his monster
<< Anonymous(Noobs)
CastorJo Reply
Ok, thanks !
<< Anonymous(CastorJo)
Dafuq? Reply
Seriously? How new to this game are you?
<< Anonymous(Dafuq?)
Anonymous Reply
🔥 being mean to a post from like months ago. How noob are you?
Can this guy be summoned with buster blader + fusion substitute monster?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yes it can
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
No... Read the card text 1 "Buster Blader" + 1 Dragon-Type monster
Must be Fusion Summoned and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
No, but if you have a "Dragon Type Monster" in your hand/field you can use a substitute for "Buster Blader".
This card destroys Kaiba
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
What about the Majesty card? BB won't be able to attac, ya know?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yep, probably Majesty can save you for 1-2 turns.

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484-650-984 will battle you with random DM/DSOD decks
It's used in Dragonic Contact decks | v
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
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