
How to beat/farm Declan Akaba Lvl 40

Duel Links Declan Akaba Lvl 40, decks to farm Declan Akaba, and Declan Akaba's Duel Rewards.
update 18/03/2022

Previous Event

Yubel Montage Farm

Example Deck

Yubel - The Ultimate NightmareYubel - The Ultimate NightmareYubel - Terror IncarnateYubel - Terror IncarnateYubelYubel
YubelMontage DragonSanganSanganSanganFire King Avatar Yaksha
Fire King Avatar YakshaFire King Avatar YakshaDisciple of NephthysDisciple of NephthysDisciple of NephthysDefender of Nephthys
Shiens SpyExile of the Wicked----

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
My Name is Yubel
Once per turn, shuffle "Yubel - Terror Incarnate" or "Yubel - The Ultimate Nightmare" from your hand into deck, and add 1 "Yubel" from your deck to your hand.

Lvl 40 Decklist

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I'm using D/D Ra deck. Farming with style, show komoney how to play D/D properly w/o pendulum.
<< Anonymous(D•man)
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous(D•man)
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Here you go, buddy thanks to GameA stupid rule. You need at least idk 4 or 5 comments (one of my comment "Down" is gone) until "See all 5 comments.." pop up.
<< Anonymous(D•man)
Anonymous Reply
This 🔥er says he has power over dimensions, but he just has power over the Yugioh card rules… I just saw he special summoned 3 monsters from the graveyard through my Necrovalley with his wave king Kaiser. That was extreme bs, it wasn’t negated, nothing, downright cheating. I even saved the replay Jesus Christ.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Dude, it doesn’t matter when or what, the fact is he moved cards from the graveyard to the field, with Necrovalley up and nothing negating it. It’s ducking 🔥ed, doesn’t matter if it activates or not, it still moves a card, the field spell says moving can’t happen. It’s cheating, very blatant.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Pro tip:

Instead of embarrassing yourself on internet type the name of the card you have issues with, then type ruling then enter on google. Example:

Necrovalley ruling
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Necrovalley: "Negate any card effect that would move a card in the Graveyard to a different place"

WKC: "You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; at the end of the Battle Phase, Special Summon from your Graveyard as many monsters destroyed this turn as possible..."

The activation of WKC won't be negated because it's not guaranteed that it will move cards from the GY.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You’re telling me that the card that exists to stop cards in the graveyard from being moved to other places, can’t stop a whole 3 special summons from the graveyard, neither of them being Gravekeepers, and that they meant for it to be that way? Why? Why did they create this?
yubel farm is the worst... he'll burn himself to death before you go through your deck
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Eu coloquei uma Fenix para destruir as magias e armadilhas (ate os monstros pendulos) dele a todo turno. Tirei um sangan (pq tenho apenas 2 mesmo) e coloquei a fenix.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Are you stup id? That's why you combine yuel with nepthys. No pendulum scales for declan, none of those two continuous spells that seems to trigger summon forever, and the rest will also get deleted by yubel-11.

It's not easy to setup yubel field without my name is yubel skill? Most f2ps already have x3 sangan and witch of the black forest by now, so skill-less characters aren't an issue either.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
lul f2p scrubs can't take a break
yubel deck can give you 8000+ score. I want to finish this event fast. It would be nice to a nice deck with 10.000+ score
<< Anonymous(taki)
taki Reply
I did mistake. yubel deck can NOT give you 8000+ score, always gaving me ~ 6000-6500
<< Anonymous(taki)
Anonymous Reply
put nephtys that remove all the backrow. u need +700 pt (4 prismatic or 7 glossy) and +500 deckout to get 8K pt.
-there no other deck to get 8000+. or u can just wait until the last day and put X3 to get all rewards. ;)
Can anyone clue this newbie on how to use the Yubel Montage Deck for farming Mr Akaba...?
<< Anonymous(Noob)
Anonymous Reply
yami yugi
il beat any d/d deck u guys own
<< Anonymous(yami yugi)
joey wheeler Reply
u can't beat mine cuz I dun hav any
I'm using a hazy farm, besides the need to draw the trap as soon as possible very good deck for this guy
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
it isn't good then if you have to "heavily" rely on something like that, flexibility annd ease should come first rather than a mere "it works enough"
I 🔥 up with the reset setting a little bit, but i think this deck is still ok.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
3 swirl slime
2 armageddon
2 newton
2 kepler
2 orthos
3 dc with the gate
2 dc with the swamp king
2 floodgate trap hole
2 dc with the witch
2 genghis
2 beowulf
2 high king alexander
1 d'arc
F2p farm akabar lvl40
<< Anonymous(Anonymous)
Anonymous Reply
F2p maybe but im sure u would also yearn for a faster farm and deck...
Aromage-Ra best farm deck ever
<< Anonymous
LeodredAQW Reply
Deck list, please?
Cheaper Yubel deck for Lv40:
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
if u really have an intention to help, u wil just list the deck and comment it here

i guess not, you could even attach that f!lthy link if you want to after you posted the deck but you didn't
Simpleman of crossou
It's kinda inconsistent because Declan just 🔥 himself with those stupid continuous spell.
<< Anonymous(Simpleman of crossou)
Anonymous Reply
gamea just doesn't care to add nepthys in the sample deck, with nepthys removing all the backrow, win rate is guaranteed to shoot up from 50% to 99.9%

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why you don't let the card obtinable
There are alot of cards that are still not in duel links that should be. And there should be a no...
DUNE NECTAR WEB EXPERT Our name is even more stupid than our scam victims lol
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