
Twister | Decks and Tips

This page notes details of Twister (Spell Card/Quick-Play) : decks, tips, effect and rulings. Learn and enjoy playing Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links!
update 28/10/2019


TypeSpell Card
Card Effect TypeCost / Card effect


Pay 500 LP, then target 1 face-up Spell/Trap Card on the field; destroy that target.

How to Get / Rarity

PackUltimate Rising [SR]
Level-up reward--
Victory against--
Card trader--




  • One of the few cards that remove a spell/trap cards in current card pool.
  • Easy to use due to quick-spell type.


  • 500 LP to use and can't deal with a face-down card.
  • Does not negate spell effects since it only destroys.


  • A good way to deal with field spell cards since your opponent will no longer get the advantage over you.
  • Can cancel Fusion Gate's effect during enemy turn to prevent them from fusion summoning.


Wild Tornado



Spell Purification


Monster/Spell/Trap categoriesDestroys face-up Spell Cards / Destroys face-up Trap Cards
LPPays Life Points for cost


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When you don't have Double CYclone to destroy Geartown.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
De-Spell is only useful to destroy Geartown/Fortress though, and only on your own turn since it's a normal Spell.

Twister has a bit more use, due to being able to destroy face-up Traps as well, and is a Quick-Play (you can make a surprise play on opponent's turn by Setting it).
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I prefer Twister over Double Cyclone. Bad AG players have 3xDouble Cyclone so whenever facing AG, I just dont set any S/T and only special summon to play around the castle. So many times my enemy didnt even summon one Reactor Dragon
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yep, smarter AG players would know carrying just Double Cyclone is a terrible idea.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Twister is way better, but it seems like most people don't want to open Ultimate Rising because it's too old. So they play double cyclone, galaxy cyclone or even De-Spell.
If opponent use mirror wall and I use this card twister during damage step would my monster attack also be halved?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yugioh mechanics master please help
<< Anonymous
Alex Reply
it actually states the exact opposite;during the damage step you can activate traps and quick spells/mons yes,if your opponent activates the mirror wall you can chain a twister.It will result in a instant switch from halved to normal attk and then the damage step will end according to its regular outcome.this happens because the mirror wall effect lasts until the trap is on the field.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
In my experience twister does not counter the mirror wall effect. If you have two monsters and you attack with the first, this one will be destroyed and afterwards the twister will come into effect and you can freely attack with your second. So my understanding is you CAN activate it in the damage step to destroy a spell or trap but never to counter its effect once it has been activated.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yes..It can counter Mirror wall..Already watching yutube...Mirror wall eff does not active since it destroyed first by twister
This card does not activate when my opponent use trap jammer. I understand that it can destroy the card but does not negate the activation, but no pop up came up though. I thought it was a quick play card. This card is useless if I can't negate any effect. I rather get de spell which does not cost 500hp and combine it with magic jammer instead.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
trap jammer is a counter trap, you cant chain anything except a counter trap to another counter trap, rolls eyes
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You cant use de-spell when enemy use their atk boost (equip spell) in their turn.
<< Anonymous
anon Reply
@anonymous piece of 🔥s like you are why yugioh gets a bad rap,rolling eyes at someone because they don't understand every single detail of yugioh,next time you correct someone try doing out without the attitude or better yet just 🔥, serious 🔥ing elitists
<< Anonymous
anon Reply
Obviously the op is a newbie, young person or just has difficulty understanding certain game mechanics, too bad the community sucks and just rolls eyes at everyone who don't understand the game
Opponent activated a metalmorph during his main phase. I had twister in my hand. It gave me no option to use twister. Then opponent switched to battle phase. Still no option to use twister. Then he attacked me and still no option to use twister. Wtf?
<< Anonymous(Nick)
Anonymous Reply
Quick play spells like twister can only be activated on your opponents turn if they are already face down on the field. while you can activate them from your hand during your own turn, your opponents turn is a different story.
<< Anonymous(Nick)
Anonymous Reply
Setting quick play spells can be a game changer. When your options are limited or you're baiting, set em
<< Anonymous(Nick)
Anonymous Reply
cant activate magic cards from the hand ON THE OPPONENTS turn, duh
So big problem here. At times when twister is set on the field and I'm in the battle phase I can get the option to activate twister right after my opponent activates mirror wall as a chain effect. Other times I don't get the option to chain activate until after the attack concluded. Is this a glitch or is there a reason you can activate twister in response to the mirror wall? Any help appreciated.
<< Anonymous(Sir)
Ur Opp is N00b Reply
Mirror Wall can be activated in either Battle Step or Damage Step, while Twister can only be activated at Battle Step. If you can activate Twister in response to a Mirror Wall, it just means that your opponent is bad.
<< Anonymous(Sir)
anon Reply
Dont listen to sir just fill your deck with skull servants and pot of generositys if you want to winmoar
<< Anonymous(Sir)
Kuyf Reply
Use trap jammer
I used Champion's vigilance on my opponents twister to prevent him from destroying my mountain field spell. My spell was saved but twister dealt and it dealt 500 damage to MY life points. Anyone else seen this glitch?
<< Anonymous(bongrippa)
DarthKythos Reply
It says that you will be the one to recieve damage... read description...
<< Anonymous(DarthKythos)
Clear Wing Dragon Reply
" DarthKythos close reply
It says that you will be the one to recieve damage... read description..."
You're the one that needs to read buddy.
He said that he used champion's vigilance on the opponent's twister. Using twister -500 from the USER of the spell card, not the opponent.

So if what he said is true, it's wierd.
So how can I get this card now?
<< Anonymous(SlutFaceKillah)
Anonymous Reply
Get Wild Tornado. It is way better. Don't go crying over The Ultimate Rising.
<< Anonymous(SlutFaceKillah)
Anonymous Reply
Wild tornado is crap unless you use storm or use harpie decks. You can't destroy field spell with wild tornado so it's pretty much garbage.
Twister cannot be activated when a continuous trap is activated?
<< Anonymous(Saru)
Saru Reply
To destroy that continuous trap
<< Anonymous(Saru)
Kuyf Reply
U can active twister to destroy the trap
Wild tornado is better than this :/
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
can wild tornado destroy field spells?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Wild Tornado can't destroy field spells. Wild Tornado is alright if you don't have Divine Wrath to counter field clears though.
If my opponent activade mirror wall I can't chain with twister. This automatically makes mirrorwall much stronger than it should be. No wonder that mirror wall is overused. The bug should be fixed as soon as possible in my opinion!
<< Anonymous(Kito)
Anonymous Reply
You can only activate twister in battle step (declare battle), and mirror wall can be activated in damage step (which is deeper). Thats why you cant twister them, unless they pay 2000 LP for make it longer
<< Anonymous(Kito)
anon Reply
If mirror wall (or any other battle trap)is giving you headaches then you might wanna swap twister for trap jammer
errr... i don't know if the rules change based on country, but i'm from Brazil and this card here can only be activated if the opponent have 3 card on their trap/Magic card field... and it doesn't cost any LP to activate.
<< Anonymous(Felipo)
GameA1 Reply
I am sure you mention Tornado, the other spell card.
<< Anonymous(Felipo)
Anonymous Reply
Hahahaha, its tornado, not twister lol
How can I get Twister now? Ultimate Rising is no longer available...
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Use de spell, wild tornado, storm, sergeant electro, xing zhen hu, straight flush, swarm of locust, spritualism, amazoness sage, toy magician, harpies hunting ground, twister is not the only one that can handle backrow
<< Anonymous
Tiernan Adel Reply
Ultimate Rising returns next week! :)

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484-650-984 will battle you with random DM/DSOD decks
It's used in Dragonic Contact decks | v
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
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