
PvP Duel: Turbo Duel Grand Prix [March 2023]

Duel Links Turbo Duel Grand Prix event, rewards, How to Play, Turbo Duel Grand Prix event guide.
update 11/03/2023

Upcoming Event Duration

Event Duration: 10 March 2023 - 16 March 2023

Event Details

You can participate in the event by unlocking Duel World (5D's)! Complete the event Exclusive Mission to get 50 Gems.

How to Play

  1. Participate in Turbo Duel
  2. Save Up the Lottery Coins to use in the lottery
  3. Get rewards from the Champion's Box

Exclusive Rewards

Reptilianne Naga [UR]

Reptilianne Naga
Reptilianne Naga
DARK Reptile ★1
ATK 0 / DEF 0
PvP Duel: Turbo Duel Grand Prix [UR]
This card cannot be destroyed by battle. The ATK of any monster that battles this card becomes 0 at the end of that Battle Phase. During your End Phase, change this face-up Defense Position card on the field to face-up Attack Position.

Symbol of Heritage [SR]

Symbol of Heritage
Symbol of Heritage
Equip Spell
PvP Duel: Turbo Duel Grand Prix [SR]
Activate only while there are 3 Monster Cards with the same name in your Graveyard. Select 1 of those monsters, Special Summon it, and equip it with this card. When this card is destroyed, destroy the equipped monster.

Other Exclusive Rewards

Stygian Sergeants
Stygian Sergeants
DARK Fiend ★5
ATK 2200 / DEF 1800
PvP Duel: Turbo Duel Grand Prix [UR]
1 Fiend-Type Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monstersWhen this card destroys an opponent's monster by battle and sends it to the Graveyard: You can have this card gain 800 ATK until the end of the Battle Phase, also this card can make a second attack in a row.
Rose Girl
Rose Girl
EARTH Plant ★3
ATK 800 / DEF 600
PvP Duel: Turbo Duel Grand Prix [UR]
If a face-up Plant monster(s) you control is sent to the GY (except during the Damage Step): You can Special Summon this card from your hand. If a Plant monster is on the field and this card is in your GY: You can add this card to your hand. You can only use 1 "Rose Girl" effect per turn, and only once that turn.
Back to Square One
Back to Square One
Normal Spell
PvP Duel: Turbo Duel Grand Prix [SR]
Discard 1 card, then target 1 monster on the field; place that target on the top of the Deck.
Turbo Booster
Turbo Booster
EARTH Machine
ATK 0 / DEF 0
PvP Duel: Turbo Duel Grand Prix [SR]
If you have Normal Summoned a monster this turn, you can Special Summon this card from your hand. You can Tribute this card to destroy 1 monster your opponent controls that battled one of your monsters this turn.
Absurd Stealer
Absurd Stealer
WIND Machine ★1
ATK 100 / DEF 0
PvP Duel: Turbo Duel Grand Prix [SR]
When this card is Normal Summoned: Target 1 Level 4 or lower Attack Position monster your opponent controls: its ATK becomes half its current ATK, and if you do, this card's ATK becomes equal to the DEF of that monster until the end of this turn.
Hook the Hidden Knight
Hook the Hidden Knight
DARK Fiend ★4
ATK 1600 / DEF 0
PvP Duel: Turbo Duel Grand Prix [SR]
When this Attack Position card is selected as an attack target, change this card and the attacking monster to Defense Position. When this card is changed from Attack Position to Defense Position, inflict 400 damage to your opponent.

Exclusive Items

Card SleeveHow to get
Card Sleeves: TDGP #10
Card Sleeves: TDGP #10
Reward for reaching Beginner 1 in PvP Duel: Turbo Duel Grand Prix
Game Mat: TDGP #10
Game Mat: TDGP #10
Reward for reaching Standard 3 in PvP Duel: Turbo Duel Grand Prix

Exclusive Lottery Rewards

Turbo Duel

Speed Counter

In the Turbo Duels, you will gain or lose Speed Counters based on the conditions below:

  • At the beginning of each standby phase. (+1)
  • When you Normal Summon monster but Special Summon and Flip Summon are not included. (+2)
  • When you Synchro Summon monster. (+3)
  • When a monster you control is destroyed. (-1)

Skill Details:

  • In Turbo Duels, you can remove Speed Counters to use the Skill "Speed Spell".
  • You can use both your EX Skill and the skill that you have set to your Deck in Turbo Duels.


  • Can be used by removing Speed Counters. Effects vary depending on how many Speed Counters you removed:

Exclusive Skill

Grade Up Reward

Note: Master Cup will be unlocked on 13:00.

  • We recommend you to Complete All Cup to get available Exclusive Rewards and Gems fully.


Hot New Top
Should force players to use Character Themed Decks next time or never have this event again, either one works
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Pre-built decks? Sounds good until one of them happens to be slightly stronger than the rest then everyone will use only that deck
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
just like that one event where everyone uses Fure Hire deck with a couple of Jinzo-related cards
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Ranking down in this event is ridiculously hard. You need more than 5 loses to go down a star, and barely two new wins to go up again.

Guess they noticed people losing on purpose to de-rank and have easier matches, and decided to make it hard to pull off.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yeah, how dare people want to play video games to have fun, not to be frustrated. Anyway thankfully you can only rank down in muscle stars, not the actual event rank.
Garbage Event
The Survey is up for this Garbo. You know what to do everyone. I don't say you must 🔥 them, just tell them whats wrong with this event politely, maybe they will listen to us once. Thats all! Bye!
<< Anonymous(Garbage Event)
Garbage Collector Reply
Okay, time to colect trash now, hand your f!lthy self over here as pat of your daily routine so this site can have a breathe of fresh air again and free from noise and toxic pollution.

I swear, garbage trolls these days... I didn't come back to your for a day, and look at the mess you've done in here. Tsk tsk tsk!
<< Anonymous(Garbage Collector)
Garbage Event Reply
Don't worry buddy i will come back everytime to trigger thrash white knights dogs like you by telling the truth xd "sadly" only 2 days left before this vomit event ends. You will miss me i already now, coz thrash like you only have interatcion like this in their pathetic lifes, but don't worry in the next gargo event i will be back xd
<< Anonymous(Garbage Event)
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous(Garbage Event)
Anonymous Reply
I guess the mods also succumb to the way of NK style of censorship. I guess nowhere is safe for free speech.
I wish to slit all of those japanese players throat for ruining my day when I was minding my own business finishing this stupid mission. Stupid squint eyes can cer players playing during midnight.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Did mommy even allowed you to go out?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Your mom didn't let me go out because she was busy sucking my d i c k like a prostitute.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
OMG i feel so cringey by just reading it

Can't believe anyone typing that and feel so proud lol
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Pretty ironic that you're being 🔥 to the people that literally created the game you're playing. The game that originated in Japan, has Japanese characters, takes place in Japan etc. I know racists aren't the most intelligent people in the world but please use at least more than 1% of your brain.

You're embarrassing yourself getting this worked up over a children's card game
The best strategy right now is to sit in Elite 1, and just purposely lose until our badge got green, so Master climb would be easy (because of the green match ups) when the Master league is open.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Winning is too hard and expensive.

Let's all lose everyone
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You seeing it wrong here. It's not about loser mentality. It's capitalism mentality.

Winning should not be expensive. Poorer player, or let's just say F2P player has proven they could reach the top (Master, KOG). They don't need face whales to do that. We don't need to be whales to win and enjoy the game. Like, heck it still competitive if we all are playing just N and R cards. But we <cont'd>
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<..> are pushed to collect rares, shinier UR. The competition is now about collecting better cards. The fun is now about tweaking the consistency and win as easy as possible. The duel is often about who draw better cards first, who got to their good opening hand first.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Why do you say in KOG level, people still play with their expensive deck. Although lose is not matter anymore, we can explore & have fun.

The situation is same with KC Cup. Many players fell content to just reach the 2nd Stage. It's their climb. It's the top.
Because at that top, the 'view' is terrible. To get and stay at high points, we have to play all day, losing sleeps and other activities
Guys i'm starting to have anger issues playing this game. I'm sick of pvp events because its full of fcking hackers and @ssholes who will do anything to steal the win from you. Everytime I lose to something bulls h i t like lightsworn thunder dragon combo I just report them for cheating.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Then buy the hack as that other guy did, a single payment of 10 bucks gets you over 5000 dollars in cards, if you get banned (thing that konami never does) just make a new account, the hack has unlimited uses and is yours forever
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
If theres a link then I'll do it because I got nothing to lose.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
search bullywiiplaza in youtube and scroll down through the video until you find the one you need.

Or pay the 200 bucks DLM asks you in their discord server
Resonator enthusiast
I am so fed up seeing an anime themed event which forces people to use 5D's characters when most of these characters cannot use their anime decks. Wtf konami the only characters who have viable anime decks are crow and kiryu. GIVE US YUSEI AND JACK ATLAS ANIME DECK SUPPORT FINALLY... give us shooting star, red Nova, and general synchron/RDA support
<< Anonymous(Resonator enthusiast)
Anonymous Reply
Still cope. This “viable” thing is extremely bollocks. Viable for what? Almost any deck is viable for master class.
<< Anonymous(Resonator enthusiast)
MangakaJ96 Reply
Well, you got your wish regarding the Yusei and Jack support. As the saying goes, "Be careful what you wish for. You just might get it..."
<< Anonymous(MangakaJ96)
Anonymous Reply
That saying only applies if the wish ends up giving bad result.

Yusei deck and Jack deck being meta is good.
<< Anonymous(MangakaJ96)
Anonymous Reply
I'm still waiting for the boss monsters Yusei Fudo-man and Jack Atlas-man
Finished the event day 1 with shiranui

Will any deck ever compete against godly shiranui?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
"Its hard to take you seriously if you dont even know the actual card names" XDD

OMG ur so funny u nerd,exactly what I thought, ur a complete fkin mo.ron
Do u think u gave any argument by that kind of answer ? I abreviate the names so what ? Gtfo u donk, u keep showing that u hv no argument whatsoever
<< Anonymous(Grammar Police)
Anonymous Reply
Not fluent in english mean illiterate and should go back to prep scholl..
That the most stupid thing i heard in this century..
Einstein not fluent in one calling him idiot...
And he waaaay smarter than Garbage who play kid game..
As expected from r e t a r d
Inside their brain is s h i t
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
my amazoness can make combo shiranooie rage and quit.still i would stay i have around 65% chance to win.the ballista squad unfair version is really unfair. i guess i have no more than 50% chance to win
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
"Judging from your spelling and grammar, English is your 15th language at best. Go back to preschool, you illiterate degenerate." if he is not born in english territory then why call out him for that?if he is foreign?the school wouldnt help that he is foreign u stupido.learn cause and effect first
Just to update this. PvP duels where you have a chance of playing KoG players when you are a Bronze Ranked player. Because the Turbo Duel player match engine is completely broken. F2P users are screwed.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
> Well, if you want to play only one deck sure. But what happens when you deck goes out the tier?

Players like him make a new account in a week.
<< Anonymous(Viewableartist2)
Anonymous Reply
Yup, that's called exploiter. They only play one deck for years, then create new account if their deck is outclassed by newer deck. Masked Hero players last year, and Six Sams players this year, those are the perfect example
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Well, I guess you are right, very different from me which I like the most to play PvE stuff like the unlock events or the Chronicles. What I appreciated from this game were the characters, their dialogues and the consistency with the anime. Right now with so much PvP events and few new duelists I think things are getting worse every month it passes
<< Anonymous(Viewableartist2)
Palkia Dots Reply
I’m a bronze rank player and I found it fun to challenge myself against KOGs.
Event should have been restricted to Pre-built decks made by the Devs for each 5Ds playable character.

Cause this event is just hard-punishing anyone who didnt build Darklords,BEWD,6Sam,Neos and so on.
<< Anonymous
Palkia Dots Reply
Yeah, I use fortune ladies for pvp, but when Rex’s cards come, I will give up on winning and play Inca all day.
<< Anonymous
Bepo Reply
Triamid for the win:)
<< Anonymous(Palkia Dots)
Anonymous Reply
I will play Incas with Rex's ace monster... it's not easy but it's how the DSs' decks work.
<< Anonymous(Bepo)
Anonymous Reply
When they will nerf the time limit. 200 seconds per turn is too much. It should be a fast game. 30-50 seconds per turn is the best. Tired waiting meta deck to finish 100-200 second every turn
<< Anonymous(MangakaJ96)
Anonymous Reply
This is really stup1d adding more extra deck slots. Atm, extra deck is your main deck since 90% of "boss" monsters are fusion or xyx. Having more slots is giving them more answers to anything. Also keep in mind that in tcg, has 15 extra deck cards in 40 card decks. Extra deck size should remain as it is so players have to think carefully in their choises.
<< Anonymous(MangakaJ96)
Anonymous Reply
Nope, Pendulums are Main Deck monsters. There is no reason to increase Extra Deck space.
<< Anonymous(MangakaJ96)
Not KoG Reply
We hit the max extra deck slots of 7. KoMoney: allow us to SELL extra deck slots for improved versatility. 1 DOLLAR!
<< Anonymous(Quinton)
Anonymous Reply
The last extra deck increase will come when Link monsters arrive, probably.
I usually never liked Neos Fusion decks but seeing how the Keeper of Dragon Magic got litterally banned from their decks makes me feel sorry for their money robbed. Meanwhile Turn 1 win BS 0 strategy deck like DragunitCrap gets away with 0 nerf on their stupid Senate. This is really stupid because none loses against Brave Neos turn one, a simple beater
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
If they were that broken they would be winning all the tournaments
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Dragqueenunity is a 0 IQ deck. I hate how they gained so many broken cards from the middle of nowhere. It was so good being dead af.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
"Dragqueenunity" XD
Nice, I didnt think of that one
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Thank you very much, friend.
This event makes no sense. You barely get any coins by playing, and to farm, it's more efficient to lose on purpose which nets you 62 coins each time which only takes 1-2 minutes. It takes way too much time to attempt to win. And if you lose, you barely get any coins. I spent almost 20 minutes (2/3 of my lunch time, at least I ate while playing) and only got 82 coins. Other events you get decent stuff even if you lose. As usual, I'll rate the lowest setting at the survey.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
^This sort of idiocy in 2021. Humanity will never advance.
<< Anonymous
Garbage Event Reply
I really don't care, Its not unbeatable, i know it. Still doesen't change the facts.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
i have yet to your proof about your winning or the deck itself
<< Anonymous(Garbage Event)
Anonymous Reply
i remember when the toon even first came out & everyone was using those cards

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Comments (updated every hour)

Time to main this beauty in the glue eater hero meta, thanks komoney
DUNE NECTAR WEB EXPERT Our name is even more stupid than our scam victims lol
Equip junk barrage to this card and it has a 90% chance of an otk.
Perfect counter against Gouki
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