
Storm | Decks and Tips

This page notes details of Storm (Spell Card/Normal) : decks, tips, effect and rulings. Learn and enjoy playing Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links!
update 10/08/2020


TypeSpell Card
Card Effect TypeCard effect


Destroy as many Spell/Trap Cards you control as possible, then destroy as many Spell/Trap Cards your opponent controls as possible, up to the number of cards destroyed by this effect.

How to Get

Level-up reward--
Victory againstOdion [R]
Card trader--
OtherRanked Rewards [R]

Tips, related cards, skills

Since you will have a card disadvantage when you just activate the card, use this spell carefully to destroy important trap/spell cards your opponent controls.

Wild Tornado

Storm can destroy this card on face down position, which will allow you to destroy any face-up card on the field and a spell/trap card from storm's effect. It's also usable as a spell/trap destruction card if not used with storm.

Dark Coffin

A great card to destroy using your storm to have your opponent make unfavorable decision, along side destroying their spell/trap card on the field.

Statue of the Wicked

After destroying this card along with your opponent's spell/trap card, you can easily make a tribute summon after this cards effect resolves.

Jar of Greed

If you turn self chain to on, you will be able to chain Jar of Greed to your storm, activating and drawing a card then able to choose a spell/trap card to destroy.

Bluff Trap (skill)

Use storm with Odion's skill Bluff Trap to be able to consistently use storm, destroying your opponent's spell/trap and summoning a token, useful for tribute summoning into a monster or as a sacrifice.


Monster/Spell/Trap categoriesDestroys your Spell Cards / Destroys your Trap Cards / Destroys your opponent's Spell Cards / Destroys your opponent's Trap Cards


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can i destroy field spell with this card ?
<< Anonymous(Idiot)
Anonymous Reply
Just try it yourself before talking, activate your wild tornado and let see if it can hit a field spell, comeback here after you tried and apologize
<< Anonymous
Andrew Reply
You don't even know what he means, dude. Storm destroys every spell/trap on the owner's field including Field spell card, then he can destroy S/T in opponent's field, combined with Wild Tornado will destroy one additional face-up card on the field.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
The first effect of Wild Tornado destroy a card is S/T zone. Field spell is located in Field Zone. That's why you can't destroy it lol.
<< Anonymous(Idiot)
Anonymous Reply
Lots of new players to yugioh now with Duel Links, glad the community is so helpful not so full of themselves.
hey guys what's the best lvl to farm storm?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I need to know that as well
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I farmed 600 keys over the last couple of days at levels 20,30 and 40 and he hasn't dropped a single storm yet.

No idea why the drop rate is so low.
<< Anonymous
not KoG Reply
Farm the Hey Trunade not storm.
Stage 49 and I haven't gotten 1 storm. I never use keys on yami yugi. Why is this rare so hard to get.... -.-
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Lol i got my storms for rare tickets in the ranked duels. I couldn't find anything better.
<< Anonymous
VanitaSper0 Reply
Odion drops it
Does someone know is this cards is bugged? Lastnight 1 storm targetted 1 field spell and then destroyed all 3 of my set spells/traps. Shouldn´t only 1 of my cards be destroyed? Thanks.
<< Anonymous
Aquablast Reply
Actually, you don't get to target anything when you play Storm-- it will automatically destroy every S/T on your side. But if Storm only destroyed 1 field spell, then it should only be able to destroy 1 of opponent's S/T too, so if what you said did happen, then something was wrong. Maybe your opponent set two more S/T while you weren't paying attention, or maybe it was really a bug. Can't say.
<< Anonymous(Aquablast)
Anonymous Reply
Thanks for the reply. It was indeed a bug or a hack of some sort. He only stormed his own field spell (wasteland, since he was playing with Bonz). It´s a shame I didn´t report the duel but people should keep an eye if something similar happends to them.
Why not use gryphons festher duster instead of storm with windstorm
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I mean wild tornado
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Cuz you can destroy 2 cards. 1 due the offect of storm, and the other by the effect of wildtornado
Hi Everyone, what's the best level to farm storm? Thanks in advance.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Always at 40 since it goes down to fewer cards
<< Anonymous
not KoG Reply
Better use your gems for a structure deck with Double Cyclone.
A good replacement is Galaxy Cyclone. Use your Dream tickets for Galaxy cyclone.
Secret weapon for Dragunity.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Hey Trunade is trash
Hi guys I'm new here. Just wondering if I can single use Storm without any Spell/Trap card set on my field? That is - to activate storm and destroy itself, then destroy opponent's card
<< Anonymous(Anonymous)
Anonymous Reply
Storm -> Starlight Road. Wound it work?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
It will work if ur opponent needs to destroy 2 or more cards
Devia ter um jeito mais facil de conseguir o controle
<< Anonymous
Jm1g Reply
Paradox, man.
Você só precisa do portal dimensional, o skill do labirinto, uma carta de tempestade e o conjunto de farm da piranha. A litografia dos hieroglifos também ajuda.
Vou deixar um link pra um vídeo em inglês, mas deve dar pra ver um exemplo de deck pra farmar o kaiba nível 40.
Alternativamente, farma o kaiba lvl 30 com cerberus e campo riryoku.
can we use this if enemy has no card in spell/trap slot?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
to be honest
despite the card disadvantage, this card and its synergy is currently too good
<< Anonymous(to be honest)
Anonymous Reply
It's considered a rare hahahaha

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Freind code add me plz 001xua0gzw0c
It's used in Dragonic Contact decks | v
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