
Stardust Dragon | Decks and Tips

This page notes details of Stardust Dragon (WIND/Dragon/Synchro Monster/Effect Monster) : decks, tips, effect and rulings. Learn and enjoy playing Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links!
update 29/02/2020

Stardust Dragon

Stardust Dragon
Stardust Dragon
Monster TypeDragon
Card typeSynchro / Effect
Card Effect TypeQuick Effect / Trigger Effect


1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters
During either player's turn, when a card or effect is activated that would destroy a card(s) on the field: You can Tribute this card; negate the activation, and if you do, destroy it. During the End Phase, if this effect was activated this turn (and was not negated): You can Special Summon this card from your Graveyard.

How to Get

PackSelection Box Vol. 03 [UR]
Stardust Acceleration [UR]
Level-up reward--
Victory against--
Card trader--




  • Negates destruction effects.
  • Good stats.


  • Temporarily removes himself from the field to activate negation effect.
  • Can only negate cards that specifically say destroy.


Remove Negative Effects

Temporarily removing Stardust Dragon from the field and then reviving him during the End Phase removes all bad effects currently attached to him. Negative equip cards like Mask of the Accursed and debuffs from cards like Wall of Disruption will be disregarded when Stardust Dragon returns to the field.

Stardust Support

Stardust Shimmer can revive any Dragon-type Synchro monster by banishing monsters from the graveyard to match the revived monster's level. Stardust Flash is similar to Red-Eyes Spirit but for Stardust Dragon. Use these cards to revive Stardust Dragon in your graveyard.
Stardust Re-Spark can be used to save you when you are about to lose by direct attack from your opponent's special summoned monster. Special summon Stardust Dragon from your extra deck to block the attack or completely stop the opponent's attack because their monster is weaker than Stardust Dragon.
Shooting Star can be used as one for one removal to destroy any card on your opponent's field so long as you control a Stardust monster.

Alternate Forms

Here are some upgraded versions of Stardust Dragon which require him and a specific support card to summon a more powerful version of himself. There are also skills that support the summoning of these upgraded forms that work with decks specifically made to bring them out.

[Skill] descriptionUser
Assault Exchange
Shuffle 1 "/Assault Mode" card from your hand into the Deck. Add 1 "Assault Mode Activate" from your deck to your hand, This skill can be used once per turn.
Yusei Fudo
Yusei Fudo
Majestic Light
Shuffle 1 Tuner monster from your hand into your deck to summon Majestic Dragon from your deck. This skill can be used once per turn.
Yusei Fudo
Yusei Fudo





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πŸ”₯ is to call this game expensive when it's not.
And you know why?, because it means you don't have enough brain to farm in a game that gives away gems almost everyday, Brainy.
<< Anonymous(Whatever. )
Anonymous Reply
By that justification anything you do that doesn't result in more money for you is a waste of time.

Get back to work slave, you need to earn your shekels to pay for my gibs.
<< Anonymous
Cg Reply
Cant summon stardust dragon anyone having this issue or how to summon it
<< Anonymous(Whatever. )
Anonymous Reply
like this very true. just depends on situation...can’t TELL others how to accumulate coins lololol
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
you are pretty much right, my friend.
Why. Just why. It's the ace card of a character. They always come with one copy of their ace card. But they put it behind a box. A large box. And it's not a SR, but a goddamn UR. In a large box.

<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
The difference is that cards like Black Rose Dragon and Stardust Dragon are extremely powerful, competitive cards. Most of the ace monsters you do get for free (barring Jinzo and Lava Golem) are either very basic, or outright bad. You can't really compare them. Even the remaining "better" freebies like Ultimate Tyranno suck compared to a card like Ancient Fairy Dragon.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Oh please. Everyone knows Cyber Commando is like... ten times better than Stardust. :D
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
At least, if we do get a UR Dream Glossy ticket like the leak says, we can have a glossy Stardust Dragon now, without relying on luck.
I guess it´s pretty easy to spot a terrible player from a mile lol

• First they try to convince you this game is expensive, just to go away with the fact they never win. And as soon as a non-expensive deck is released, those very same folks start hating that new deck ( Amazoness, Fur Hires or Sylvans back in the day ).

• That´s why a terrible players actually never win, because they are always trying too hard to get that win and keep venting rage all over the site, pretending to have the right to tell everyone what to buy and what not no buy.

• Good players always pick decks that they enjoy playing, if you like synchro monsters or blue eyes archtypes, just go for them, what´s the problem?, you don´t even need the top tier decks to reach KoG, that´s a false assumption created by the worst players that ever existed.
<< Anonymous(spiritrabbit)
Anonymous Reply
"but sadly balance is getting hard nerfed this patch "

What? Balance is getting another nerf?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I think that's an old post, there's no timestamp anymore
<< Anonymous(handbrake)
Anonymous Reply
What the actual πŸ”₯ is wrong with you, it's clear to everyone that this game is p2w.
<< Anonymous(spiritrabbit)
Anonymous Reply
Personally, I love the Red-Eyes Black Dragon and the Dark Magician (especially the red one that Arkana used in Battle City) so I've been trying to build good decks using those monsters. And the Light and Darkness Dragon ain't too bad either.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Actually it is: I special summon a monster!
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
πŸ”₯ is to call this game expensive when it's not.
And you know why?, because it means you don't have enough brain to farm in a game that gives away gems almost everyday, Brainy.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Probably the only good counter to Yubel right now outside of Amazons. Guess this means Yusei wins for having the most useful ace card in Duel links so far.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Masked Hero Vapor says hi.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Toon deck also counters yubel well
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Ah good old days... Now yubel dies against everything. Even a rocky have Karma cut.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Balboa doesn't need Karma Cut. Can cut you in half just with his boxer gloves.
Pls limite this card to 0
Because its counter a tier 3 deck (yubel) 100%
and all player have this card
<< Anonymous(7wentythree)
Frustration Reply
Run better backrow
<< Anonymous(7wentythree)
Anonymous Reply
lol noob yubel?
<< Anonymous(7wentythree)
Anonymous Reply
Very sure the OP is being sarcastic.
<< Anonymous(7wentythree)
Anonymous Reply
Lol, someone needs a reality check
Got prismatic stardust.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
How did u got prismatic stardust ? Im new here
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
It's random. Depends on luck
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I'm one of many who don't have enough luck to get even a glossy Stardust, let alone prismatic lol
<< Anonymous
DaSwifta Reply
Man, how lucky can you get? I want that! I would πŸ”₯ for that! Okay, not really, but I'd really like to pull one lika that someday.
Anonymous No. 2
FCK YES (got it in the 6+1 deal)
<< Anonymous(Anonymous No. 2)
Joker Reply
Got mine by just spending 500 gems :D
<< Anonymous(Anonymous No. 2)
Anonymous Reply
50 packs left, still no stardust, WTF
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
41 left, all UR done, pheew
<< Anonymous
Anonymous No. 2 Reply
I'm missing Silver quick play spell and Genex (I have a feeling there's gonna be some kind of Genex meta in the future) before my 1st reset.
>Btfo'd by super rush headlong
πŸ”₯ card
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Joker. Super rush is one of the best staples alongside MW and others. But you don't see many run it because they were in older boxes and new players can't afford them. That also means you are in low rank with a lot of newbies?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
People still use super rush bronze anon. Super rush was ranked 18 and 30 in use during both stages of the August KC Cup. You could even check the the popular cards under your deck builder and see super rush.
<< Anonymous
2nd anon Reply
i am on platinum didn't see anyone use super rush? seriously the common staple are canadia,tth,cosmic cyclone are frequently in here. :/
<< Anonymous
2nd anon Reply
i am on platinum didn't see anyone use super rush? seriously the common staple are canadia,tth,cosmic cyclone are frequently in here. :/
the most annoying dragon is coming ... oh yugioh gods have mercy !!
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Firewall Dragon is a Cyberse, your argument is invalid.
<< Anonymous(Anonymous)
Anonymous Reply
Blackrose, Trishula, Shooting Star and Quasar are better than this card
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Well of course -_-

Shooting Star and Quasar are this card's evolutions, of course they are better than this card -_-
<< Anonymous(Anonymous)
Anonymous Reply
most annoying person is you anon
This will become meta in the future
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
No doubt the effect of this card and relatively easy summoning makes this card still competitive even after 9 years since syncros came out in the tcg
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Dyna can still deal with it
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
We're on banish meta, so bye bye trash dragon
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
good luck with trap eater
Stardust can actually be detroyed by super rush headlong...
<< Anonymous(Mikyboy4)
Anonymous Reply
Really?, poor stardust :(
Anyway, it can get rid of Yubel. SO it's not that bad.
<< Anonymous(Mikyboy4)
Anonymous Reply
Most likely because the destruction is not immediate. SRH's effect lingers on the monster it is applied on, after SRH itself resolve, the effect simply remains until the end of the turn, it doesn't actually "activate".
<< Anonymous(Mikyboy4)
Anonymous Reply
learn english it's destroyed
<< Anonymous(Mikyboy4)
Anonymous Reply
and no πŸ”₯ super rush does it even to God cards

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Comments (updated every hour)

045-624-493 duel me, i want to make you lose time.
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
I wonder how much this still gets use even now.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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