
Beatdown! (Skill)

Beatdown! skill in Duel Links. Skill details, how to get, characters, and decks.
update 30/01/2023


This turn, the Atk of all Level 5 or higher face-up monsters on your field increases by the number of monsters of Level 5 or higher on your field times 300.

How to Get

CharacterHow to Get
Seto KaibaLvl 13
CharacterHow to Get
Vellian CrowlerLvl 13
The Supreme King
The Supreme King
Legendary Duelist/PvP Duel Reward
CharacterHow to Get
Jack AtlasLvl 20
Officer Tetsu TrudgeLegendary Duelist/PvP Duel Reward
Lvl 13
CharacterHow to Get
Seto Kaiba (DSOD)Legendary Duelist/PvP Duel Reward
CharacterHow to Get
Declan Akaba
Declan Akaba
Legendary Duelist/PvP Duel Reward
CharacterHow to Get
Legendary Duelist/PvP Duel Reward

Skill rebalancing history

Description (Since 2019 Oct 28)

This turn, the Atk of all Level 5 or higher face-up monsters on your field increases by the number of monsters of Level 5 or higher on your field times 300.

Description (Until 2019 Oct 27)

This turn, the Atk of all Level 5 or higher face-up monsters on your field increases by the number of monsters of Level 5 or higher on your field times 300.

Description (Until 2018 Aug 28)

This turn, the Atk of all face-up monsters on your field increases by the number of monsters of Level 5 or higher on your field times 300. This Skill can only be used once per turn.

Set Kaiba skills list


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Your Name(Optional)
This needs skill needs nerf.
<< Anonymous(Realm)
Anonymous Reply
ya and this is why competitive yugioh is seen as a joke
<< Anonymous(Your Name(Optional))
Yagami Reply
I agree. It should be nerfed. It's easier now to summon high level monster. You can fill your monster zone in one turn. And unlike field spell, you can't de-spell the skill.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Too bad that thegam3 became heavly relying in 🔥 summoning monsters with high lvl so easly. The skill is a no brainer no fun at all and he needs to get a change as well as masked tribute
<< Anonymous(Your Name(Optional))
Anonymous Reply
well, we got the nerf :D
can someone pls explain why they think this needs a nerf. being popular isnt an answer btw
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Do you even grammar bro? Incoherent babble.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
"do you even grammar bro" yeah good job buddy you need help ?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Hazy flame... all over 3k in one turn. Fur hire... monster on board in defence? No worries beatdown will assure the otk regardless
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Ask furry ha
please once per duel i hate fast otk.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
why do you rely so heavily on defense position just get enemy controller/canadia /draining shield/wall of disruption, this skill isn't broken you just kinda suck, no offense tho
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
yesss finally my wish granted
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You just prove that everyone 🔥ting on you just salty lol
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
They made it once per duel, now you may rest.
only noobs use this
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
Open Bob Reply
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
shoe me ur bob
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
What the hell is wrong with you
Someday it'll only activated if your LP decreased.
<< Anonymous
Valencia Reply
They would seriously nerf this, too!? This is what I hate. Balance and restart are already ruined and people want even more of the good skills to get screwed over.
<< Anonymous(Valencia)
Anonymous Reply
Variety is a good thing. You're not MEANT to be using one of like 3 skills in every single deck you ever make. There's a reason not every character even GETS skills like Restart.

Beatdown PROBABLY won't get nerfed until 5D's is a thing. (At which point, given Synchros, high-levels would become much easier and more prominent than they already are.) But if it needs to be, so be it.
<< Anonymous
Valencia Reply
And then watch people complain about the field spell skills. It will never be enough and then there won't be any variety at all eventually as long as some people are relentless with the complaints.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
If this skill is the most overused on this season, it might be nerfed.
There's no drawback on this skill yet.
This skill needs to be limited!
<< Anonymous(Moritz)
Anonymous Reply
How can you limit a skill? Hello?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
He probably means how many times it can be used per duel
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
yeah, like twice per duel
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
u can still OTK even once per duel
I wonder if this skill would still be relevant if we have xyz or link since they don't have any level.
<< Anonymous
akubane Reply
time will tell. if we think the other way, beatdown should be even stronger with synchro.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
XYZ rank doesn’t count towards it?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
XYZ do count, the Fusions at least, they are all Level 5 or higher.

The main components however, are obviously not affected by Beatdown.
Looks like the Ties that Bind skill will be the next to get hit... It's all downhill from here
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yeah nerf/ ban all COMMONLY USED (note I didnt say overused) cards and skills until we have beaver warriors and LP boost alpha KOG meta
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
LP Boost Alpha's probably in the top half of the most used skills, lol. (Low down in it, but still there.) You could've picked something much closer to the bottom of the barrel, like Moth to the Flame or one of the crappier LP Boosts.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yeah, LP Boost Alpha is actually the best LP Boost skill, so it gets a lot of use.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I wouldn't be surprised, now that Beatdown got another nerf, people will start thinking about using Ties.

Ties is totally getting that once per duel restriction next. Maybe even limiting it to level 4 or lower monsters only, as opposed to Beatdown for level 5 or higher monsters only.
boosting attack without cost always OP even with 50 ATK
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Sorry, but you're wrong. Nobody would use a skill that boosts 50 ATK
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
oh i'm so sorry but you're wrong
i'm sorry
sorry you're wrong
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
you know nothing :) attack boost always good when you find mirror match
i can't believe zane doesn't have beatdown
<< Anonymous
Valencia Reply
I know. But instead, they had to give it to the GX character who is really just there for comic relief (Crowler). An 🔥 to Hell Kaiser.
<< Anonymous(Valencia)
Anonymous Reply
what rubbish are you talking ? cronos totally deserve the skill beatdown despite his comical attitude, he totally beats and dominate duelist when it comes to duels. watch the animation again dude.
yea zane missing it is ridiculous !!
<< Anonymous(Anonymous)
Valencia Reply
Cronos was an alright duelist. But aside from Hell Kaiser, Edo Phoenix deserved this skill. He delivered a beatdown to Ryo, Judai, the world champion the D, as well as 30+ wins in a row in the pro league and those stupid darkworld monsters. That is some serious beatdown.
Just for the memes guys, will this skill works if i had Rank 5 (Xyz Monster) or higher monster?
<< Anonymous(Nice(six))
Anonymous Reply
Obviously not, since Rank is not the same thing as Level.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
And for the same reason it wouldn't work on Link monsters.
Beat down needs to be once per turn because it is so it and it's annoying
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
But it IS once per turn, though?

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Comments (updated every hour)

045-624-493 duel me, i want to make you lose time.
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
I wonder how much this still gets use even now.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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