
Aster Phoenix

Aster Phoenix Skill, How to Unlock, Level Rewards, Duel Rewards, Starter Deck.
update 26/04/2022
Aster Phoenix pages

Aster Lvl 40
Aster Lvl 40


Aster Phoenix (Edo Phoenix in JP) is a professional duelist and a child prodigy. Famous for being a celebrity, he made an impact around the world, introducing Duel Monsters to the masses. Making an appearance in the second season of Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, he is better known to be the anti-hero counterpart to Jaden, and was able to be one of the few people who were able to beat Jaden Yuki in a duel.

How to unlock

Once you summon DARK-attribute Monster(s) 200x in GX World, Aster Phoenix unlock missions will appear. Complete all the missions to unlock Aster Phoenix as a playable character!

Unlock Missions

Complete all Character Unlock MissionsDARK Jewel x30
Perform 2 Fusion Summon (s) in one Duel.Gold x8000
Achieve 3 win(s) without using any level 5 or higher Monster Cards. Gold x8000
Win 1 Duel(s) against Aster Phoenix at Level 30 in Duel World.R Jewel x30

Aster Phoenix's skills

Exclusive skills

[Skill] descriptionHow to get
Destiny Calling
Can be used after your Life Points are at 2000 or below. Play the Field Spell "Dark City." If there already is Field Spell on your side of the Field, return it to your hand. This skill can only be used once per Duel.
Master of Fusion
Can be used each time your Life Points decrease by 1800. In the Draw Phase, instead of doing a normal draw, Polymerization spell card, from outside of your Deck, is added to your hand.
Can be used each time your Life Points decrease by 1800. Return 1 card from your hand to your Deck and draw a random Warrior-Type monster.
Bring it!
Can be used each time your Life Points decrease by 1800. In the Draw Phase, instead of doing a normal draw, draw a random Level 8・Dark・Warrior Monster Card from your deck.

Common drop skills

Level Up rewards

What are Level Rewards?

Level reward is what you can obtain by leveling up characters, including gems, cards, skills, extra deck slots.

Aster Phoenix's Level-Up Rewards

2Gem x10
3Destiny HERO - Captain TenaciousDestiny HERO - Captain Tenacious
4Skill: Destiny Calling
5Deck Slot (Aster Phoenix)
6Gem x15
7Destiny HERO - Doom LordDestiny HERO - Doom Lord
8Deck Slot (Aster Phoenix)
9Gem x25
10D - FormationD - Formation
11D - ChainD - Chain
12Gem x35
13Skill: Master of Fusion
14Destiny HERO - Fear MongerDestiny HERO - Fear Monger
15Gem x50
16Destiny MirageDestiny Mirage
17Gem x60
18D - FormationD - Formation
19Gem x75
20Skill: Reinforcements
21D - ChainD - Chain
22Gem x100
23Dark CityDark City
24Gem x120
25Over DestinyOver Destiny
26Gem x150
27Deck Slot (Aster Phoenix)
28Gem x200
29Gem x250
30Gem x300
31Gold x100,000
32Gem x200
33Destiny HERO - Blade MasterDestiny HERO - Blade Master
34Gem x250
35Destiny HERO - MaliciousDestiny HERO - Malicious
36UR Jewel x1
37Gem x200
38Destiny HERO - MaliciousDestiny HERO - Malicious
39Gem x250
40Destiny DrawDestiny Draw
41Deck Slot (Aster Phoenix)
42gems x100
43gems x200
44gems x250
45Destiny HERO - PlasmaDestiny HERO - Plasma

Duel Rewards

What are Duel Rewards?

Reward cards are card that You can get as reward for gaining a victory over Legendary Duelists.

Professional Aster Roaming Event March 2020

Professional Aster Roaming Event June 2020

Aster Phoenix's Exclusive Duel Rewards

Starter Deck

What is a Starter Deck?

A starter deck is the default set of cards of a certain character which you will automatically get once you obtain that character.

Aster Phoenix's Starter Deck

Destiny HERO - PlasmaFiend SwordFiend SwordFiend SwordKrokodilusKrokodilus
KrokodilusTiger AxeTiger AxeTiger AxeUnknown Warrior of FiendUnknown Warrior of Fiend
Unknown Warrior of FiendDragon StatueDragon StatueDragon StatueRyu-KishinRyu-Kishin
Ryu-KishinGuard Penalty----


In Manga / Anime

Created by Aster Phoenix's father, Aster uses a Destiny Hero deck, consisting of Dark Warrior-Type monsters that resembles the "Elemental HERO" archetype that Jaden uses. Its playstyle revolves around using Clock Tower Prison by stalling the duel, and then destroying the field spell to special summon Destiny HERO - Dreadmaster, along with the other destiny hero monsters for a beatdown.

Other Duelists

Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal

Yu-Gi-Oh! DSOD

Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX

Note:Atticus is not added to the game yet, but their names were found in the code of the game at least.

Yu-Gi-Oh! (DM)

Note: Marik Ishtar, Solomon Muto, and Yami Joey are currently unplayable.
→ How to get/unlock characters


Hot New Top
Instead of doing "Serious" Chazz again, what we need is roaming event for the lovely Aster! We need more d-hero and vision hero cards and support! After Zane, it is time to try to make this a reality by surveying, so please help me, everyone!
<< Anonymous(Valencia)
Zane lover Reply
Haha,you can beat the KOG players! Aaand because you could defeat me more than 10 times!...and i am KOG 7 times,Haha.^^
However, don't care about that. :)
In fact i don't know the system of this event.(i can't play anything right now)
Thank you for the video...i'll see it as soon as possible
<< Anonymous(Zane lover)
Zane lover Reply
*Point after (possible).
<< Anonymous(Zane lover)
Valencia Reply
Thanks for saying that! It just seemed like almost everyone got everything they needed on their 1st turn, and then I got impatient and misplayed with one loss because I thought they were trying to time stall me. I am only going to do one rank a day for this and hopefully all of the invincible KOG people will have finished by then. But I can't play anymore to finish rookie rank until later today.
<< Anonymous(Valencia)
Zane lover Reply
OK,Not bad. XD
Zane lover
you're making my blood boil!!!
<< Anonymous(Zane lover)
I like Zane too Reply
Yes of course it is. If you truly like Zane you should be able to name his cards without checking it, like a true fan.

"CyberDark is not that bad, if we will get the CyberDark cards that Zane play them in level 40 which we don't have them. (I forget their names XD)"

This is just 🔥ing to read. You should not have the right to be called Zane lover.
<< Anonymous(I like Zane too)
Zane lover Reply
This is your opinion, and I'll respect it.
<< Anonymous(Zane lover)
Alex Reply
Man I was checking a comment war
<< Anonymous(Alex)
Zane lover Reply
Lol, no comments war. XD
is there a skill that lets Aster Phoenix start with mask change? Because I swear, whenever I play against Anki deck they ALWAYS have 1 mask change in their 4 starting cards.
<< Anonymous(Valencia )
Zane lover Reply
Haha,thank you very much...that's mean alot for me.^^
The duel against you is the best! More fun than any other duel...really. :)
<< Anonymous(Retard lover)
Zane lover Reply
I will win if you use any deck.
BTW, what is your rank?
<< Anonymous(Retard lover )
Valencia Reply
So what IS impressive? Xd I really want to know.
<< Anonymous(Zane lover)
Valencia Reply
Yeah, it is fun!
I WANT Destiny End Dragoon
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Not really, they’re are loads of cards that are just as powerful and easier to summon. Plus when dragoon can’t attack when he uses his effect
<< Anonymous
Deez Reply
Then don’t play if you feel that way
<< Anonymous
Yami Aster Reply
We need to come to terms that we are probably never going to get any of the burn cards (dragoon, dystopia, dynatag, dunker (that one nobody talks about), misfortune) as long as our lp is so low.
<< Anonymous(Yami Aster)
Vixsus1224 Reply
Hmm we may actually since we have cubics, a set of cards that can OTK burn easily
Gorgeous vs. Gorgeous
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
^and by that, you meant your face vs your ass, I guess?
<< Anonymous(Valencia)
Anonymous Reply
I almost got dragged into liking Cardfight Vanguard, but the first episode of the anime that I watched, happens to be the episode where the MAIN PROTAGONIST debuted a new light dragon thing that turned the table for him.....and still lost anyway.

Got so pissed I decided not to care about CFV anymore. Haha, good job there, Bu🔥road.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
No Valencia i meant Aster shìt vs zane shít as same like your face and your aşş.
Aster is big whorĕ like you.
Zane is a big donkey also like you
<< Anonymous
Valencia Reply
Ok, now I don't want to watch Cardfight Vanguard. XD
Zane lover
Man I really want to take photo with him♡
<< Anonymous(Zane lover)
Valencia Reply
I love how he says, "You're strategy is interesting. I said interesting, not good." It is so mean, yet so nice.
<< Anonymous(Zane lover)
Hhhhhhh Reply
I want to kick him out
<< Anonymous(Hhhhhhh)
Zane lover Reply
<< Anonymous(Zane lover)
Hhhhhhh Reply
I'm sorry I was a little bit angry about personal things haha
Unlock by summoning 100 dark monsters
<< Anonymous
Fratmundo Reply
lvl 40 aster does not have clock tower
<< Anonymous(Dovaral)
Anonymous Reply
What stage you unlocked him at?
<< Anonymous(Dovaral)
Anonymous Reply
summoning in duels you mean right?
<< Anonymous(Fratmundo)
Anonymous Reply
Yes he does
Why the Aster hate?
<< Anonymous(DrillDude)
Valencia Reply
I used balance for my amazoness deck with 10 monsters, 9 traps, and 1 spell. Always got the perfect starting hand. But now it sucks. I am just using draw sense dark in the hopes that I can at least gain some advantage by getting vision hero witch raider out faster if I brick with a hand full of traps.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
At what stage do i get to duel him lvl 30? I already have a mission to do that..but didn't unlock lvl30..
<< Anonymous
Valencia Reply
I am not sure. It is easier to find them at all levels when they are at the gate. All you can do is keep completing the stage missions and checking. When you do duel him at lv. 30, get ready for his clock tower prison. It can be a headache.
<< Anonymous(Valencia )
Good boy Reply
You’re a girl will you talk to me?
Hi gays my beloved Aster is stupid
<< Anonymous
Valencia Reply
I don't know what Aster was thinking going on TV and saying he was the best. He was darn lucky that Kaiba was not watching that because he would have flown over there in helicopter and dueled the heck out of Aster. I also think that Kaiba should have beat Yugi. His deck was more focused and he was the only one in the virtual world who knew what he was doing and not building stupid decks.
<< Anonymous(Valencia)
Anonymous Reply
Firstly, yes Aster was so lucky because Kaiba would mop the floor with him (I don't mean that Aster is weak, but Kaiba is far stronger)
Secondly, I agree, Kaiba should have beat Yugi but that's because of the fúcking writer!
Someone tell me what kind of cheat is the heart of the cards and the power of friendship!?
Pegasus should have beat Yugi too, but the stupid power of friendship defeated him
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Whos 🔥 for aster
<< Anonymous(Walencia)
Anonymous Reply
Walencia, stop hating on Val, she gets more attention than you, therefore you salty,bye now, I won't return and read what your doggy mouth has to bark about, leave you here triggered bye~~~~
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
^ troll! savage!
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
^Same guy jacking off to his own comment
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I'm sure he has a hole, tho, and that's where I can work. Be gone!
They should make an alternate version of GX where Aster is the main character instead. He would come to Duel Academy in the first year and actually stay in Obelisk Blue and wear the uniform. Then the whole show could be about him saving the world and kicking everyone's butt at dueling with his Destiny Heroes (and probably being rude to his opponents). I would totally pay to watch this if it ever happened.
<< Anonymous(Valencia)
Zane lover Reply
I don't know if your idea true or not.
Aster is Worth that, but not at expense of Jaden because they both true heros (IMO)
It is difficult to choose who is the best.
<< Anonymous(Zane lover)
Valencia Reply
I wouldn't want to erase the Jaden version to do this. But if there was a way to have both, it would be cool. Maybe it would be one of the possible alternate dimensions they mentioned in season 3. Speaking of season 3, that is the most difficult thing to figure out here. They would have to make up other stuff for the Aster version since season 3 really depends on Jaden to work. (Yubel, etc.)
<< Anonymous(Valencia)
Anonymous Reply
Am i the only person who (wriets) correctly?
OMG I have a mistake maybe i learned from these illiterate.
<< Anonymous
Zane lover Reply
Yes you are
#Aster Event
Celestial is free and Master of Fusion was buffed! The fact that they did not free Vyon along with this makes me wonder if we could be looking at some new fusion monster support incoming that they don't want to make overpowered, though. There have been enough cardflipper campaign hints pointing to an event and possibly other outlets for support incoming soon. I would love to see Aster return to the pvp glory days of destiny/vision anki high tier as the king of duel links again. Please keep going, Konami.
<< Anonymous(#Aster Event)
Anonymous Reply
Oh yeah, we haven't got his Elemental Hero fusions yet. I wonder why Konami is holding them back this long.
<< Anonymous
#Aster Event Reply
I guess it's just because they are e-heroes and they want to hoard them as long as they can over us. I wouldn't be surprised if they waited just to have regular phoenix enforcer be a SR drop in his event and the alt. art avian, burst., spark. as his R drops and shining phoenix as either a box UR or tag duel reward like shining flare wingman. Strange that the AI has never had them by now, though.
<< Anonymous(#Aster Event)
Anonymous Reply
Oh yeah, I want those alt. art E-Heroes. They look better than the originals.
<< Anonymous
#Aster Event Reply
Yeah. And there is also Archlord Zerato that he used in his first episode. But somehow I don't think they will give us that right now. Especially with how you can search for the sanctuary in the sky.

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Comments (updated every hour)

Time to main this beauty in the glue eater hero meta, thanks komoney
DUNE NECTAR WEB EXPERT Our name is even more stupid than our scam victims lol
Equip junk barrage to this card and it has a 90% chance of an otk.
Perfect counter against Gouki
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